Causes of flood… 1.Monsoon climate brings very heavy rainfall and snow soils are leached and heavy runoff results in soil erosion. 2.Spring snow melt results in soil erosion and rapid increase in rivers discharge. 3.Deforestation in headwater areas due to increasing population in Nepal and Tibet. Trees cleared to for fuel and grazing land, less evapotranspiration and more runoff. 4.The rivers silt is up due to increased soil erosion. This raises the river bed and reduces the rivers capacity. 5.80% of Bangladesh lies on a huge floodplain and delta which is only 1m above sea level.
Short term responsesLong term responses - Food aid from the Government and other countries. - Water purification tablets. - People repaired embankments and helped to rescue people. Free seed given to farmers. - Medical care was hard to get to so health care was - Building embankments. - Building raised flood shelters. - Introducing flood warning systems. - Emergency planning. - Dams planned. - Reducing deforestation.