Case Lamong River Flood Problem Form (A): Inundation (a) Cause (B): Direct rainfall (a) Flood discharge from upstream runoff (b) Duration (C): Rapid on-set (b) Location (D): River over bank (c) Urban area (d) Slope (F): Low slope / low land (b) Sediment laden (G): With very little suspended sediment concentration (a)
Parameters of Lamong River Flood Case Directly affects to victims Water level (at victims) Available time (period) for warning (at victims) Inundation duration Flooded area Indirectly affects to victims Discharge (reduce of peak discharge) Flood water volume (to be kept in reservoir or retention area if available)
Efforts / Counter Measures Lowering inundation level (zeroing) Lowering maximum water level within river reach Add reservoirs Add retention areas Reforestation Increasing levee crest level Strengthening levee structures Setting up a flood warning system Increasing community resilient
Design and Analyses Needed Hydrologic Analysis providing design discharge for hydraulic analysis Frequency analysis of yearly maximum rainfall or direcly maximum discharge if available Design Hydrograph Analysis Reservoir Routing Analysis (Spillway crest design) Hydraulic Analysis providing water level River Flood Routing River Reach Widening and Strightenning Design Levee Design Shortcut Design
Service for Flood Mitigation
Exercise for Flood Mitigation Service Steps Ciliwung at Kampung Melayu Jakarta Yearly Flood Case Semarang Railway Station Frequently “Rob” Case Manado Recently Flood Case Cameron High Land, Pahang Flood 2013 Case Other cases are possible to select