EMMA - Hydrology EUMETNET representatives visit, 21 st – 22 nd October 2013, CHMI, Praha Tomáš Vlasák
Cooperation with Meteoalarm Current Flood warning contributors between Meteoalarm members
Cooperation with Meteoalarm Hydrological and weather service in one forecasting office Sharing the INTEGATED WARNING SERVICE SYSTEM (IWSS) IWSS designed to fit Meteoalarm
Cooperation with Meteoalarm Warning termination – „until it will be canceled“
Hydrological forecasting in CZ WATER ACT (No. 254/2001 Sb., §73) … flood forecasting service is made by Czech Hydrometeorological Institute in cooperation with River Authorities. information about current hydrometeorological situation
Hydrological forecasting in CZ Hydrological forecast for 150 sites, lead time 48 hours
Hydrological forecasting in CZ 50% of basins with prediction have area < 1000 km 2
Hydrological forecasting in CZ Short river channels + quick runoff = limited lead time
Hydrological forecasting in CZ Probabilistic forecasting 1)Statistical analysis of input uncertainty 2) ALADIN – LAEF ensemble of 17 members.
Hydrological forecasting in CZ Flood June 2013 – underestimated forecasts
Thank you for your attention
Flood risk x flood hazard flood occurrence probability of 3 rd flood stage (flooding)