PowerPoint 5 Are you at risk from flooding?
Flood warning symbols Severe flooding. Danger to life. Flooding is possible. Be prepared. Flooding is expected. Immediate action required.
Which actions go with which warning? Be ready should you need to evacuate your home. Turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if safe to do so. Call 999 if you are in immediate danger. Be prepared to act on your flood plan. Stay in a safe place with a means of escape. Put flood protection equipment in place. Prepare a flood kit of essential items. Co-operate with the emergency services. Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place. Monitor local water levels and the flood forecast on Environment Agency website.
Flood warnings Severe flooding. Danger to life. Stay in a safe place with a means of escape. Be ready should you need to evacuate your home. Co-operate with the emergency services. Call 999 if you are in immediate danger Flooding is possible. Be prepared. Be prepared to act on your flood plan. Prepare a flood kit of essential items. Monitor local water levels and the flood forecast on our website. Flooding is expected. Immediate action required. Move family, pets and valuables to a safe place. Turn off gas, electricity and water supplies if safe to do so. Put flood protection equipment in place.
Environment Agency flood website Has anywhere got a flood warning today?
Is flooding likely? Postcode Likelihood of flooding Are there flood defences? Location Name of river(s) Previous floods CA13 0BY GL20 5AB PL35 0AE E15 2AU My school postcode My home postcode
Is my area at risk from flooding? List three things you need to tell your parents tonight about the flood risk to your home.