Hinduism Copyright © Clara Kim All rights reserved.
Lets Take a Hindu Start Rise early and bathe in the Ganges River –Cleansing body and soul
Lets Take a Hindu Start Burn incense and offer prayer
Lets Take a Hindu Start Yoga – breathing exercises
Background No real founder No formal church Almost considered a way of life
Aryan Invaders Aryans and non- Aryans followed their own forms of religion This resulted in the blending of different forms of the religion
Polytheistic? Monotheistic? One god or world soul = Brahman –He has three personalities
1.Brahma – the creator
Vishnu – The Preserver
Shiva – The Destroyer
Vedas Collection of sacred writings –Hindu teachers try to interpret and explain the meaning of the Vedic hymns
The Upanishads Teachers’ asked questions as they meditated –Later the teachers’ comments were written down in the Upanishads
Moksha State of perfect understanding of all things and release from life in this world
Reincarnation Means ‘Rebirth’ An individual spirit (ATMAN) is born again and again until Moksha is achieved
Karma Means good or bad deeds Your Karma determines your state of reincarnation
Caste System Brahmins - Kshatriyas - Vaisyas - Sudras - Priests Warriors Merchants Untouchables