An Exceptional Sermon
Except - Unless “it serves, with the entire following sentence, to limit or correct what has just been said, only, save that... Mt.12:39; Mk.6:5” – Thayer
Except - Unless To except is to exclude or to make an exception “These laws except [exclude] juveniles” – Harbrace, 218 Except is usually a preposition meaning ‘not including’ – Eng. Handbook, 536
Except - Unless ▪He had no family left except his sister, Kate. ▪The desk was clean except for a few pencils. ▪I don't know what to say, except, thank you. ▪Water weekly for the first few months unless there is regular rain. ▪ Don't use a food processor on any potato unless you want glue. ▪Speak not of my debts unless you mean to pay them.
I. Becoming A Christian
Mt.18:1-3 Unless you are converted… 1. Humble – free of worldly ambition 2. Obedient – 1 Sm.2 3. Trusting – total dependence on Father 4. Loving – spiritual process… turn, turn around, turn toward, Mt.16:23 turn over a new leaf [fresh page] become as little children…
Mt.18:1-3 “When the wheels of a clock move within, the hands on the dial will move without. When the heart of a man is sound in conversion, then the life will be fair in profession” – Wm. Seeker
Mt.18:1-3 “All the while thou delayest, God is more provoked, the wicked one more encouraged, thy heart more hardened, thy debts more increased, thy soul more endangered, and all the diffi- culties of conversion daily more and more multiplied upon thee, having a day more to repent of, and a day less to repent in” – Geo. Swinnock
Jn.3:3-5 Unless one is born of water and Spirit 1. Jn.16:25, many figures 2. Jn.3 does not explain ‘born again’ Jn.4, water: drink literal water for physical life… Jn.6:…51-53, blood (Gn.9:4; Lv.3:17) Feed on Jesus Make His will our will Mt.4:4; 5:6
Jn.3:3-5 Unless one is born again… 1. Jn.16:25, many figures 2. Jn.3 does not explain ‘born again’ We can know what it does NOT mean Jn.3 = Acts 2 (forgiveness, saved…) Natural childbirth‘Again’ / ‘man’ Faith only1-2 / Jn.2 / Ja.2 H.S. baptismSpirit & Spirit?
Ac.8:31 Unless someone guide me People do not learn truth by Accident. Jn.6: Small, still voice. 1 K.19:12 3. Feeling. Pr.16:25 4. Direct operation of Holy Spirit / angels Eunuch needed information No preacher present H.S. could have told him If this case did not call for direct action, what would? Holy Spirit sent preacher instead.
Ac.8:31 Unless someone guide me Eunuch learned truth same way we do 1. Jews cannot harmonize Is.53. Who?? 2. Only Jesus fits the passage 3. Ac.8:35, heard “Jesus”; all clear 4. How did his faith come? Ro.10: Tim.2:2
I. Becoming A Christian II. Being A Christian
Mt.5:20 Unless your righteousness exceeds… 1. Not setting aside word of God to keep human traditions, Mt.15:1-3… 2. Not self-righteous, closed minds, Mt.23:13 3. Not selective obedience / neglect, Mt.23:23-24
Mt.19:9 Except for fornication (5:32) 1. Grammar is easy to understand. Est No other except-ion permits divorce / remarriage – innocent puts away guilty. 3. Disciples understood,
Jn.15:4 Unless it abides in the Vine Branch is not self-sufficient “But Jesus promised eternal life to the believer; I can’t be lost” Contrast verses 2, 6 Acts 23:…11, promise Acts 23:17, precaution Mt.4:5-7