TH117: Global Hospitality Management Unit Seven Human Resources & Marketing Note: This seminar will be recorded by the instructor.
2 Competencies for Managing Human Resources 1.Identify and discuss current labor trends affecting the hospitality industry. 2.Describe elements of a good human resources program.
3 Demographic Trends Population changes Middle-aging of America More women workers A geographically shifting work force Rise in education levels Increasing work force diversity
4 What Causes Turnover? Inefficient hiring systems Limited advancement opportunities Lack of training and supervision
5 Legislation Affecting the Hospitality Industry Fair Labor Standards Act Civil Rights Act of 1964 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
6 A Strong Human Resources Program 1.Truly cares about employees 2.Defines the job 3.Sets productivity standards 4.Recruits suitable candidates 5.Selects the best applicants 6.Implements ongoing training programs 7.Motivates employees 8.Evaluates employees
7 Selecting a Job Applicant Receiving and processing applications Interviewing applicants Evaluating applicants Checking references Hiring the selected person
8 The Training Process Establish a training policy Define training needs Plan the training Prepare the employees Conduct the training Evaluate the training Follow through with ongoing coaching
9 Motivating Employees Remove the fear of failure Pay a fair wage Offer incentives and rewards for performance Operate with an open-door policy; keep everyone informed
10 Competencies for Marketing Hospitality 1.Distinguish marketing from selling, identify and explain the Four Ps of Marketing, and describe how a marketing plan is developed. 2.Describe how hotels organize their sales department and summarize the characteristics and qualities salespersons should possess. (continue d)
11 Competencies for Marketing Hospitality 3.Define and describe advertising, including what an advertiser needs, advertising agencies, and how to create effective advertising. 4.Explain the role and importance of public relations, publicity, and sales promotion for hospitality businesses, and discuss how marketers can leverage their marketing dollars. (continued)
12 The Four Ps of Marketing Product Place Price Promotion
13 Five Parts of a Marketing Plan Situation analysis Objectives Strategies Tactics Controls
14 What Is Advertising? It is paid for by the sponsor It is impersonal It identifies the sponsor It persuades
15 What an Advertiser Needs Competitive advantage Unique positioning Segmented market
16 Print Ad Elements Headline Body copy Signature (logo)
17 Three Broadcast Ad Strategies Make 'em laugh Make 'em bond Find out what they really like
18 Steps of a Public Relations Plan Research/fact-finding Planning Action Communication Measurement/evaluation