CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Bernard V. Jackson, P. Paul Hick, Andrew Buffington, Mario M. Bisi, John M. Clover Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA, USA and Munetoshi Tokumaru Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, Japan Bernie Paul And y Masayoshi MarioJohn Munetoshi
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI and IPS remote-sensing data analyses Tomographic techniques used to determine Solar Wind 3D structure (examples). Comparisons at Mars Introduction:
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere B. V. Jackson, A. Buffington, P. P. Hick Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California at San Diego, LaJolla, CA. R.C. Altrock, S. Figueroa, P.E. Holladay, J.C. Johnston, S.W. Kahler, J.B. Mozer, S. Price, R.R. Radick, R. Sagalyn, D. Sinclair Air Force Research Laboratory/Space Vehicles Directorate (AFRL/VS), Hanscom AFB, MA G.M. Simnett, C.J. Eyles, M.P. Cooke, S.J. Tappin School of Physics and Space Research, University of Birmingham, UK T. Kuchar, D. Mizuno, D.F.Webb ISR, Boston College, Newton Center, MA P.A. Anderson Boston University, Boston, MA S.L. Keil National Solar Observatory, Sunspot, NM R.E. Gold Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, MD N.R. Waltham Space Science Dept., Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, UK The SERP/STP Coriolis spacecraft at Vanden- berg prior to flight. The SMEI baffles are circled. The large NRL radiometer Windsat is on the top of the spacecraft. The Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) Mission (Solar Phys., 225, )
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Simultaneous images from the three SMEI cameras. Data!! Lots of Data!! C1 C2 C3 Sun Sun | V 1 gigabyte/day; now ~3.5 terabytes Launch 6 January 2003
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Frame Composite for Aitoff Map Blue = Cam3; Green = Cam2; Red = Cam1 D290; 17 October 2003
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Composite all-sky map 2 Feb 2003 from the three SMEI cameras. SMEI first light composite image
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Brightness fall-off with distance A very tiny signal
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere With all contaminant signals eliminated, SMEI brightness is shown with a long-term temporal base removed. Data points are obtained on each SMEI orbit every 102-minutes, and the data here show a CME that has passed the Earth and is measured in situ. (1 S10 = 0.46 ± 0.02 ADU) May 2003 CME events brightness time series for select sky sidereal locations
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere “Cleaned brightness” from the 28 May 2003 halo CME at specific sidereal lines of sight over one 3-hour period
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere STELab IPS Heliospheric Analyses STELab IPS array near FujiIPS line-of-sight response
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Density Turbulence Scintillation index, m, is a measure of level of turbulence Normalized Scintillation index, g = m(R) / g > 1 enhancement in Ne g 1 ambient level of Ne g < 1 rarefaction in Ne A scintillation enhancement with respect to the ambient wind identifies the presence of a region of increased turbulence/density and a possible CME along the line-of-sight to the radio source. (Courtesy of P.K. Manoharan)
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere The newest STELab IPS array at Toyokawa - photo 17 February 2007 (October IPS Workshop see: STELab IPS Heliospheric Analyses
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Heliospheric C.A.T. Analyses Thomson scattering The outward-flowing solar wind structure follows very specific physics as it moves outward from the Sun LOS Weighting 30º 60º 90º
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI Heliospheric C.A.T. Analyses Line of sight “crossed” components on a reference surface. Projections on the reference surface are shown. These weighted components are inverted to provide the time-dependent tomographic reconstruction. A half-day difference
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere 14 July July 2000 Heliospheric C.A.T. Analyses: example line-of-sight distribution for each sky location to form the source surface of the 3D reconstruction. STELab IPS
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI density (remote observer view) of the 28 May 2003 halo CME May 2003 CME events SMEI density 3D reconstruction of the 28 May 2003 halo CME as viewed from 15º above the ecliptic plane about 30º east of the Sun-Earth line. Jackson et al., JGR. (2006) 111 (A4): A04S91
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere May 2003 CME events CME masses Jackson et al., JGR. (2006) 111 (A4): A04S91
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI proton density reconstruction of the May - June 2003 halo CME period compared with Wind over one Carrington rotation May 2003 CME event period Earth in situ comparison density Jackson et al., JGR. (2006) 111 (A4): A04S91
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere HAF Model Comparison SMEI Agreement with Sophisticated Modeling May 2003 CME events Brightness from the 28 May 2003 halo CME 3D reconstruction (left) and HAF model (right). Jackson et al., JGR. (2006) 111 (A4): A04S91
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere LASCO C2 CME image to 6 Rs. SMEI enhanced Sky Map image and animation to 110º elongation. C2 image Southward ejecta Northeast-directed ejecta is more-nearly earth-directed. SMEI C.A.T. Analysis 28 October 2003 CME Jackson et al., JGR. (2008) 113: A00A15
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI 3D-reconstruction of the 28 October CME. The above structure has a mass of about 0.5 g excess in the sky plane but ~ 2.0 g excess at 60 º (Vourlidas, private communication, 2004). Mass determination ~6.7 g excess and 8.3 g total for northward directed structure within the 10 e - cm -3 contour. SMEI C.A.T. Analysis
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI reconstructed density on 30`October at 03 UT 15 e - cm -3 to 30 e - cc -3. IPS 3D-reconstructed velocity at 03 UT viewed above 950 km s October 2003 CME
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere IPS and SMEI 3D reconstruction of the 28 October 2003 CME Reconstruction from SMEI data on 03 UT 29 October Mass ~7 g for the event northward portion IPS g-level data reconstruction of density from data obtained between 22 UT 28 and 7 UT 29 October The reconstruction time is ~3 UT. Mass ~6 g
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Recent higher-resolution SMEI PC 3D reconstructions show the CME sheath region as well as the central dense core SMEI C.A.T. Analysis 28 October 2003 CME higher-resolution analysis Ecliptic cut Meridional cut shock
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere SMEI C.A.T. Analysis 28 October 2003 CME higher-resolution analysis Ecliptic cuts Meridional cuts
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere Solar Wind Pressure derived from the MGS Magnetometer at Mars Crider et al., J. Geophys. Res. (2003) 108(A12): 1461
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere IPS 3D Reconstruction 28 May 2003 ‘Halo’ CME event sequence | Density derived from IPS Jackson et al., Solar Phys. (2007) 241: 385–396
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere IPS 3D-Reconstruction 20 May – 05 June 2003, (28 May ‘Halo’ CME) Solar Wind Pressure (ρ = 2 X 10 6 nV 2 ) Pressure derived from IPS at Mars Jackson et al., Solar Phys. (2007) 241: 385–396
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere IPS 3D-Reconstruction 12 September – 26 September 2002 period Density Jackson et al., Solar Phys. (2007) 241: 385–396 Pressure (ρ = 2 X 10 6 nV 2 )
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere IPS solar wind pressure 3D-reconstruction at Mars from Time lags between ram pressure peaks (from a sample of 37 peaks). A positive shift indicates a lag in the IPS-derived pressure peak from that from MGS.
CASS/UCSD-STELab AOGS_2009 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) 3D-reconstructions of the Inner Heliosphere a) SMEI allows derivation of global densities including that from CMEs at high spatial and temporal resolution using Thomson-scattering brightness. b) IPS allows derivation of global velocity, and through conversion of g-level to density – global densities, at low resolution from STELab data, including for CMEs. c) These have been combined to compare with Mars Global Surveyor magnetometer data where solar wind pressure have been derived from 1999 – Still needed – IPS velocity data from more radio sources in order to provide better velocity resolutions in comparison with derived global densities. Summary: