Musical Instruments
Instrument Families There are four instrument families –Brass Instruments –Woodwind Instruments –Percussion Instruments –String Instruments
Brass Instrument Examples Trumpet
Brass Instrument Examples Trombone
Brass Instrument Examples Tuba
Brass Instrument Examples French Horn
Brass Instrument Examples What did you notice about all the examples of the brass instruments?
Brass Instruments Are played by your lips vibrating on a mouth piece.
Woodwind Instrument Examples Clarinet
Woodwind Instrument Examples Flute
Woodwind Instrument Examples Saxophone
Woodwind Instrument Examples Piccolo
Woodwind Instrument Examples Oboe
Woodwind Instrument Examples What were similar and different about all of the woodwind instruments? What makes a woodwind a woodwind?
Woodwind Instruments Produce sound by vibration of the reed in the mouth piece.
Percussion Instrument Examples Kettle Drum
Percussion Instrument Examples Maracas
Percussion Instrument Examples Cymbals
Percussion Instrument Examples Tambourine
Percussion Instrument Examples Rattle
Percussion Instrument Examples What do you notice about all percussion instruments?
Percussion Instruments Are played by striking, shaking, or banging.
String Instrument Examples Guitar
String Instrument Examples Violin
String Instrument Examples Harp
String Instrument Examples Piano
String Instrument Examples What do you notice about all string instrument examples?
String Instruments Produce sound by plucking, bowing, strumming, or picking the strings.