TIHDI TREASURE ISLAND HOMELESS DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE Sherry Williams Executive Director ____________________________________ 410 Avenue of the Palms, Building 1, Room No 162, San Francisco, CA phone x 305
Background Treasure Island, a former military base located in the middle of San Francisco Bay, was selected for closure in In 1994, San Francisco elected to be governed under the federal "Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994." This Act required the City to propose a plan for using base resources to assist homeless persons as part of its land use plan (Reuse Plan) for the civilian redevelopment of the Base.
Who is TIHDI? TIHDI (pronounced "tie dye") is a collaborative of 10 community – based organizations that was formed in 1994 to develop & advocate for the homeless component of the civilian Reuse Plan for Treasure Island. TIHDI is a stand alone 501 c 3 non profit organization. TIHDI's plan was adopted by the TI Citizens Reuse Committee, endorsed by the SF Board of Supervisors and approved by HUD in It established a legally binding agreement that included: 2, 3 and 4 bedroom housing units; A 25% job set aside for new employment; Economic development opportunities that train and hire homeless and economically disadvantaged people; and, Service space for supportive services.
What does TIHDI do? TIHDI acts as a broker for these opportunities. Housing, employment and economic development efforts are provided directly by individual TIHDI member agencies. TIHDI organizes the Job Broker System, which is how employment opportunities are accessed. TIHDI also initiates community-building efforts to help develop this newly forming San Francisco neighborhood and provides an organized way for members and others to participate. Part of this effort includes developing and/or coordinating access to support services for residents such as a food pantry, recreation activities, health services, education enhancement, financial literacy and business development and children & youth programs.
Achievements Highlights TIHDI & its partners have: Developed 250 units of housing for homeless individuals and families; Placed over 200 people in short and long term jobs; Developed a childcare center & family services support space; Created educational, recreational and health programming; Renovated and operates the community center; Provides weekly supplemental groceries; Developed a business & financial literacy assistance center; Operated a janitorial training and employment program; and, Operated a landscaping employment program. TIHDI, working with other island partners, has also organized the annual Treasure Island Community Day Festival as well as many other island-wide events such as Black History month celebrations, craft and flea markets, and health fairs.
Status of Island and Final Long term plan The island is still owned by the Navy. Current uses of the island are considered “interim use.” The city of San Francisco issued a RFP for a master developer in 2001 and selected Treasure Island Community Development (TICD) in TIHDI’s agreement was part of the package distributed to potential developers. Over the past few years, a redevelopment plan was developed that incorporated TIHDI’s opportunities under the LBA. In addition to the opportunities in the LBA, this plan includes a significant developer contribution for housing replacement and an expansion of number of units to be developed by TIHDI. This plan was approved by the SF Board of Supervisors in December The City is currently negotiating with the Navy for final transfer and preparing its environmental impact report. It is concurrently developing a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with TICD. TIHDI is also negotiating its DDA for its final housing, jobs, economic development and service opportunities. This process is expected to be completed by December 2008.