Welcome to AS Maths! As you come in, make a name tent & write down 3 realistic goals for your AS year on the back. If you have a personal address you’d like me to add to the group, write it here.
Hello! My name is LizMy name is Liz A little about me... I’m from the city of Atlanta (in the U.S.)I’m from the city of Atlanta (in the U.S.) I’ve taught maths in the U.S., Ecuador, Bermuda, and the U.K.I’ve taught maths in the U.S., Ecuador, Bermuda, and the U.K. My biggest passion is travelling or anything involving an outdoor adventure!My biggest passion is travelling or anything involving an outdoor adventure!
What will happen during this session? Get to know your fellow class mates a bit better.Get to know your fellow class mates a bit better. Discuss some important points about the AS level maths course.Discuss some important points about the AS level maths course. Find out what is expected of you when studying AS maths.Find out what is expected of you when studying AS maths. Get started with some maths!Get started with some maths!
Get ready to mingle! You’ll need something to write with, a “Find somebody who...” worksheet, and a friendly attitude!You’ll need something to write with, a “Find somebody who...” worksheet, and a friendly attitude! The GOAL: To meet new people by finding someone in the room that fits the description of each item listed.The GOAL: To meet new people by finding someone in the room that fits the description of each item listed. Rule – you can only use each person once!Rule – you can only use each person once!
How do you get an AS in Maths? You will study three modules: Core 1 (Non-calculator module!)Core 1 (Non-calculator module!) Core 2Core 2 Decision 1Decision 1 You will be learning Decision 1 alongside Core 1 & 2 throughout the year.
Keeping Organised Discuss in your groups some top tips for keeping your work organised!
Keeping Organised Top 5 things you can do to stay organised: 1.Write the date and heading on your work. 2.Use the folder and dividers provided to organise your maths notes. 3.Make sure you make clear notes in class. 4.File away homework and in-class tests to keep track of your progress. 5.Use your planner to organise your time.
Handouts… 1.Large folder 2.Dividers 3.“AS Maths Folder Contents” 4.“Bilborough College Maths homework record sheet” 5.Calculator Letter 6.Formula Booklet
Keeping Organised SUGGESTED Divider Tab Headings for your folder: a)Core 1 b)Core 2 c)Decision 1 d)HW & Tests e)Revision
Equipment Large folder with dividersLarge folder with dividers A4 paper to write onA4 paper to write on Different coloured pens (blue, black, green, etc)Different coloured pens (blue, black, green, etc) A ruler and pencil to draw withA ruler and pencil to draw with Textbooks will be provided & need to be brought to lesson when announced.Textbooks will be provided & need to be brought to lesson when announced. A graphical calculator. The one recommended and sold by the college is:A graphical calculator. The one recommended and sold by the college is: Casio FX 9750 GII (Cost £50)
GCSE vs A Level There is a big jump between GCSE and A Level maths… Faster pace of lessons.Faster pace of lessons. Less time in lesson to practise skills.Less time in lesson to practise skills. Much greater need for work outside of lessons to develop a full understanding of topics.Much greater need for work outside of lessons to develop a full understanding of topics. Exam questions tend to be longer and require more interpretation.Exam questions tend to be longer and require more interpretation. All passing grades can be considered a good achievement.All passing grades can be considered a good achievement.
Homework Every week you will get an with 4.5 full hours (minimum) of maths HWEvery week you will get an with 4.5 full hours (minimum) of maths HW Completion of every bit of this is essential to getting a great result!Completion of every bit of this is essential to getting a great result! HW must be on A4 lined paper with all work shown and fully marked in a colourful pen.HW must be on A4 lined paper with all work shown and fully marked in a colourful pen. You must fill in your HW log before arriving to the lesson. You must fill in your HW log before arriving to the lesson. HW will be checked during the first lesson of the following week.HW will be checked during the first lesson of the following week. If you don’t do your HW, we will relentlessly pursue you until it is done!If you don’t do your HW, we will relentlessly pursue you until it is done!
YOUR Homework Log You’ll fill this in each week and keep it in your folder HW will be checked during your first lesson of each week, so be honest!
Tests & Assessments There will be four formal assessments and periodic tests after we’ve finished a topic.There will be four formal assessments and periodic tests after we’ve finished a topic. Test scores will be compared to your target grade.Test scores will be compared to your target grade. If you perform below your target grade, you will be required to retake during subject support.If you perform below your target grade, you will be required to retake during subject support.
Important Maths Resources Moodle – all lessons available including past papers, revision guides, etc.Moodle – all lessons available including past papers, revision guides, etc. Mymaths.co.uk – interactive lessons and practiceMymaths.co.uk – interactive lessons and practice College’s login: bilboroughCollege’s login: bilborough College’s password: primeCollege’s password: prime for regular tweets to complement and extend your for regular tweets to complement and extend your study. My – –
How we can support you Subject support sessions are held every lunch and in other free blocks.Subject support sessions are held every lunch and in other free blocks. Find at least two other people in the room & share contact details with them!Find at least two other people in the room & share contact details with them! Name, , mobile number, what area you live in, etc.Name, , mobile number, what area you live in, etc. You could also support each other!
And finally….. We look forward to supporting you as you work hard towards achieving your best!