your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington How we got here Funding provided from MfE under WasteMINZ strategic alliance Two years of funding Significant in-kind support Governance (WasteMINZ and MfE) Project Team (MfE, DFOs, TAs, RC, Industry, Consultants)
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington Key things to note It’s forward looking! Sorry, but this isn’t going to solve all your current/historic compliance issues It is still a guideline and needs support and adoption to be successful
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington Objectives define waste types intended for disposal define classes of landfill based on waste types provide a consistent approach to landfill siting, design, operations and monitoring make good practice recommendations on key technical requirements for siting, design, operations and monitoring of landfills based on landfill class.
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington Land Disposal Technical Guidelines Revise CAE Landfill Guidelines (2000) Guide to the Management of Cleanfills Three major changes Landfill classification Good practice design Waste acceptance criteria
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington Disposal to land means the final deposit of fill and/or waste materials into or onto land set apart for that purpose (landfill) However the guidelines do not include: earthworks operations farm dumps offal holes
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington Guidelines reflect current situation where “cleanfills” range from site accepting only VENM to sites accepting quantities of C&D waste or contaminated soils Recognize that different wastes require sites with different levels of environmental protection
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington Draft – we want your feedback! Draft likely to come our for consultation mid to late June We need your feedback! This document is here to help you!
your logo here WasteMINZ Mid-Year Roundup Wellington