Leagues / Organizations, Operations and Stipends
Purpose To provide Council further information concerning field use, league operations and stipends received by the various leagues, and or organizations To revisit the use of fields and Ad Hoc Board recommendations To examine the need to continue league/organization stipends To establish a process if stipends are considered Provide options and opportunities
Background History After public concern over ball field conditions, an Ad Hoc committee was appointed to review revenue possibilities, league operations and athletic field maintenance and funding The Ad Hoc committee met for several months and developed a set of recommendations that were presented to Council Council established fees for use of the fields League stipends were established many years ago to subsidize the leagues / organizations until the need was no longer necessary Stipends have continued to be given regardless of financial need Currently $54,500 in funding is provided to several leagues and organizations Local leagues paid $68,580 in field use fees for 08/09 league play; (This includes adult play)
Ad Hoc Findings The fields are being over used Demand management needs to occur Maintenance funding is not adequate The largest cost for league operations is referees, officials, scorekeepers, and umpires Fields are being used for personal profit (tournaments) There are several select organizations with paid staff and or coaches, playing almost year round There are teams from other cities using the fields Local leagues have keys to facilities which makes management challenging Most leagues are financially sound with a constant revenue stream and do not require stipends.
Current Stipends High Noon Soccer League$5000 operational expenses $3000 (3v3) operational expenses Bantam Weight Sports Association $8000 operational expenses Southwest Youth Sports (BMX)$2000 operational expenses Police Athletic League Boxing $14,000 operational expenses Las Cruces In-Line Hockey Assoc. $4,000 operational expenses Las Cruces Youth Baseball Assoc. $10,000 operational expenses Las Cruces Youth Softball Assoc. $8,500 operational expenses » $54,500
Ad Hoc Recommendations The committee recommendations were developed based on identifying a new funding source Local recreational youth leagues (18 and under) do not pay a facility use fee for up to two seasons each year. That the City will pay for all regular league(s) requirements; extra port-a-potty’s, dumpsters, materials and supplies to support regular season league play.
Ad Hoc Recommendations That local recreational youth leagues and/or organizations that can prove the financial need and meet criteria continue to receive the yearly stipends. Financially stable leagues, will not receive stipends Any stipends not received by leagues shall go to the parks and recreation section for maintenance.
Opportunities if Parks receive Stipends ($54,500) Franklin Red Baseball Turf – 40 Tons a Year for 22 Fields ($55,000) Home Plates, Pitching Rubbers, Full Set of Bases yearly – ($9,240) Field Marking Paint for Foul Lines yearly – ($11,329) Replace Bleachers at one Baseball/Softball complex – ($56,000) Line Soccer Fields for 1 Year – ($31,636) Line Football Fields for 1 Year – ($2,476)
Discussion Topics Should staff pursue implementing the AD Hoc Committee recommendations that don’t require a new revenue source? Control the number of games for leagues and tournaments? Close fields during winter months? Charge higher fees to select organizations and for profit tournaments? Implement the tournament fee schedule? Rewrite facility use policies to reflect changes? Revise stipend policy Allocate to leagues based on proven need Eliminate field use fees for recreational youth league play, 12 years and younger, offset the revenue loss with stipends Continue status quo Other options?