Planning and Green Belt: a national perspective Federation of Cambridge Residents’ Associations – 3 October 2015 Paul Miner MA MRTPI FRGS Planning Campaign Manager E:
Pledge to maintain national protective designations including Green Belt Much less indication than 2010 of changes to planning processes More housebuilding Will ‘ensure local people have more control over planning’ The Conservatives and planning
New Government: change continues…? Since the election: Devolution to ‘combined authorities’: new bid from Cambs and Peterborough Ministerial statements on getting Local Plans in place: letter dated 21 July Local authorities required to allocate land for self or custom build new housing Statutory brownfield sites register
Green Belt: unnecessarily under threat Green Belt myths: Green Belt creates unsustainable patterns of development Green Belt has little or no environmental value Green Belt pushes house prices up And more…for our response search for ‘CPRE Green Belt myths’
What is CPRE doing to influence the planning system? Green Belt campaign Updates to series of Planning Campaign Briefings to reflect new PPG in 2014:; planning campaign briefings Housing Foresight Papers Research on housing assessments
Fight for the countryside Working with Local and Neighbourhood Plans Use appeal decisions as precedents Promoting local character and distinctiveness Promoting tranquillity Tackling light pollution You can contact CPRE Cambridgeshire: us us Planning Help website (
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