A Correlation Between Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s: Inflammatory Response to Endogenous Neuro-protective Mechanisms Peter H. Massey
“Brain Attacks” α CVDs are the principal cause of death in Western civilizations, accounting for more than 40% of all deaths. α Cerebrovascular Disease – disease of blood vessels supplying the brain - Sustained hypertension - narrow, stiff, deformed α Stroke – loss of blood supply – leads to paralysis α Aneurysm – blood filled dilation of blood vessel – if ruptured extremely harmful α Ischemia – temporary paralysis
Protein Activation α Basal ganglia - dopamine & acetylcholine - transmission of nerve impulses
Parkinson’s Basics α Parkinson's disease - between the ages of 50 and % of the population
Symptoms Parkinson’s α Slowness of voluntary movements, especially in the initiation of such movements as walking or rolling over in bed α Decreased facial expression, monotonous speech, and decreased eye blinking α A shuffling gait with poor arm swing and stooped posture α Unsteady balance; difficulty rising from a sitting position α Continuous "pill-rolling" motion of the thumb and forefinger α Abnormal tone or stiffness in the trunk and extremities α Swallowing problems in later stages Alzheimer’s α Dementia: both long term and short term in later stages of life α Loss of reasoning & logic
Parkinson’s Linked to Alzheimer’s α Alpha-synuclein - accumulate into Lewy bodies inside nerve cells - found in the amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease α Alpha-synuclein - binds to membranes on nerve cells – lipids (Deniz, March PNAS)
Inflammatory Response α Inflammation - response to infection or injury - Damaged tissue releases chemicals - attract white blood cells - Cytokines - accelerate inflammation
Inflammatory Response (continued) α Inflammatory cytokines - stimulate production of adhesion molecules - adhesion molecules prone to atherosclerosis - important target for treatment of atherosclerosis & CVD α Inflammatory molecules - recruitment of white blood cells into the blood vessel wall - abnormal foam cells & atherosclerotic lesions α Alpha-lipoic acid - ‘metal chelators’- inhibit white blood cell recruitment - preventing infection and inflammation - reducing oxidative stress - bolstering antioxidant defenses
Inflammation Linked to Parkinson’s α Nurr1 - transcription factor α Nurr1 protein - microglia & astrocytes - Microglia are macrophage-like cells - immune defense in the central nervous system - Astrocytes - large star-shaped support functions (keep cell alive) α Absense of Nurr1 - inflammation increased - toxic effect on those neurons University of California - San Diego (2009, April 6). Protein Protects Neurons In Brain From Damage Due To Inflammation. ScienceDaily.
Observing Brain Activity α Brain Culture – advantageous – one specimen over prolonged period α Fluorescence microscopy α Induced axonal damage α Inflammatory response initiated α Axonal regeneration observed
Treatment α Balance of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine & dopamine α Success with experiments involving operative procedures - too invasive
α-Lipoic Acid α Anti-inflammatory: cell signaling processes; sensitivity, metabolism, and stress response α Inflammation & cell cycle control α Reproduces endogenous anti-oxidants: glutathione, vitamin C and E α Removes superoxide anions, hydroxyl radicals, and other toxic ROS from body (the cell) α Both hippocamal regions and basal ganglia (hydrophilic & hydrophobic) α Related to inflammation & oxidative stress
Sepsis Hotchkiss and Nicholson Nature Reviews Immunology advance online publication; published online 13 October 2006 | doi: /nri1943
Sepsis-associated Encephalopathy α Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Dr. Sangeeta Chavan - sepsis Dr. Kevin Tracey – Vagus nerve stimulation block inflammatory response leading to disease (sepsis) α Encephalopathy – infection of blood – brain dysfunction (may be due to direct infection of spinal cord) - Sepsis – whole body inflammatory state
Selected References