“To infinity and beyond!” -Buzz Lightyear
How Big Is The Universe? Journey To The Edge of The Universe ~10 min. Journey To The Edge of The Universe
The Universe Houses all of existence From Largest to smallest you have: Universe -> galaxy clusters -> galaxies -> stars with planets (solar systems) -> stars (without planets) -> individual planets (like Earth)
Size Representations Galaxy Cluster Individual Galaxy
The Milky Way Galaxy -Where we live
Star Systems and Individual Stars Star with a solar system -the star looks different here because you are zoomed out to see the planets Star (Hubble Telescope) -close ups of individual stars
Brain Break 1. What galaxy do we live in? 2. When galaxies come together what do they form? 3. Do all stars have planets?
Creation of the Universe: The Big Bang Theory - States that the universe was a dense, hot SUPER SIZED ball -A violent explosion occurred flinging material in all directions
Universe Expansion pg. 720 Galaxies move farther and farther apart from each other Supports the Big Bang Theory As galaxies move farther apart from each other space is created where it has never existed before The universe is ACTUALLY GROWING in size Ex. Balloon
The Big Crunch Galaxies could stop moving apart Gravity would pull the galaxies back together Would create (or recreate) a high-density, high-energy mass again
Will the Big Crunch happen? -Depends on the average density of the universe If the density of the universe gets high enough than gravity will pull more strongly and pull all of the galaxies together If the density stays low than the universe could expand FOREVER
Compare and Contrast Big Bang TheoryBig Crunch
Star Getting Sucked into a Black Hole watch?v=ou3TukauccM watch?v=ou3TukauccM watch?v=D7s5X0NcLfc watch?v=D7s5X0NcLfc
Barycentre Barycentre- the point between two objects where they balance each other Example: When the moon orbits Earth both bodies are orbiting a central spot, the barycenter, that lies between the two objects -The same is true for Earth and Sun -Even the solar system has a barycentre
Kepler’s 3 Laws of Motion 1. A planet doesn’t follow a perfect circle around the sun, but an oval called an ellipse 2. Planets follow an imaginary line. The farther away a planet moves from the Sun the slower it moves. The closer a planet is to the Sun the faster it moves 3.The amount of time that it takes an object to orbit the sun is proportional to it’s distance from the sun
Brain Break What is the force that would cause the Big Crunch? What spot does Earth and Moon rotate around? Which planet will take longer to orbit the sun, why?
Motion of the Earth The Earth moves in several different ways in space First it moves around the sun in a revolution Revolution- the motion of a body along a path in space Earth also moves in a precession It wobbles like a top as it completes it’s revolution around the Sun Takes 26
Earth Motion Continued Earth also moves in a precession It wobbles like a top as it completes it’s revolution around the Sun Takes 26, 00 years to complete one precession -the axis doesn’t change The direction the North pole faces changes Therefore, the stars that we can see change The seasons change slightly The wobble is very slow
Earth’s Motions The precession that Earth makes also wobbles This wobbling of the precession is called nutation Nutation is a wobble of 1/8 a degree Occurs over an 18 year period Is caused by the pull of the moon
Universal Movement Our entire system is spinning and moving towards the bright, giant Vega Star The Sun, like other stars, is revolving around the galaxy which takes 230 million years The entire Milky Way Galaxy is spinning towards the Andromeda Galaxy
Brain Break Draw pictures of the three different movements that Earth makes 1. Revolution 2. Precession 3. Nutation
Movement of the Earth in Space The earth revolves around the Sun It takes 365 days In 24 hours the earth makes one rotation The Earth tilts on it’s axis that creates the seasons o o
The Earth and Seasons Each day the Earth makes one rotation Takes 24 hours one day Earth’s Seasons Caused by the tilt of the Earth The tilt is 23.5 degrees The side of the Earth that receives more sunlight will have longer days and warmer temperatures
Earth’s Seasons Contd Earth’s seasons have NOTHING to do with the distance from the Sun Earth’s Seasons Video Earth’s Seasons Video
Earth’s Tides Tides- daily change in the elevation of the ocean surface Caused by the gravitational pull on the Earth by the moon Bay of Fundi, Nova Scotia Bay of Fundi, Nova Scotia How does it work? Two forces are at work, gravity and inertia Case of the Tides Case of the Tides
Earth’s Tides Gravity- attracts the moon and Earth towards each other ***Remember the moon is also pulling the ENTIRE EARTH, not just water – causes nutation Inertia- the tendency for objects to travel in a straight line This keeps the Earth and the moon from crashing into each other Inertia and gravity are only balanced at the center of the Earth
Earth’s Tides The side of Earth that is closer to the moon has MORE gravity than inertia pulling on it The water, and Earth, are pulled towards the moon creating a bulge of water on EITHER SIDE of Earth As the Earth rotates and moon orbits the water follows the pull of the moon
Video Explanations of Tides Earth’s Tides Explained Earth’s Tides Explained NASA Model of Tides – turn to your neighbor and explain what is happening in the video clip NASA Model of Tides
Brain Break What causes the tides? What two forces are responsible for the tides? Draw a DETAILED picture that explains how the tides are created by the moon on Earth.
Tomorrow we will start watching: Movie Clip