Atlas 1 18/03/2011 Shoaib Sufi myGrid/Taverna taking stock: scene setting
Structure Project About/Taverna related deliverables/feedback into Taverna/alignment Products What to focus on new vs stable Capabilities that are core Research Future directions Implications on technology Discussions Alignment Priorities Important things missed etc
Agenda Intro 09:00 to 09:05 - Scene setting (Shoaib) Projects 09:05 to 09:25 - Taverna in e-Lico (Rishi+Alan) 09:25 to 09:45 - Taverna in WF4EVER (Stian + Jits) 09:45 to 10:05 - Taverna in SCAPE (Alex) Products 10: :30 - Taverna 3 (next gen) (Jits + Rishi + David) 10: :55 - Taverna Server + T2 client libraries demo and next steps (Donal + Rob) 10: :10 – Break 11: :35 - Taverna 2.3 plans/update + Taverna 2.x future (Alan) 11: :00 - Taverna in App4Andy (Rob + Paul/Katy/Andy) Research 12: :20 - Informatics research directions (using Taverna) - (Paul + Katy) 12: :35 - CS research directions (using Taverna) – Khalid Any Other Business 12: :00
Current Strategic Objectives Technology Components Next generation workflow builder 3 rd party integration Stable Taverna 2.x Responsive to the Community Science Next gen sequencing bioinformatics Support of other domains
Future Strategic Objectives (?) Technology Delivery of current objectives Answering the Galaxy question Integration with GMOD Alignment (as much as possible) Please note workflow preservation != preservation workflows Science Next Gen Sequencing (TSB) Science of the projects WF4EVER,SCAPE, openPHACTS etc Outreach Taverna Recipes/Cook book (!= Taverna in use.) – light weight added to definition of doneness More and different – that’s why we are having the taking stock meeting !