Space Weather SUBTITLE
In this show you will find out What are CMEs and why they are important in space weather.
What are CMEs? WHAT DOES CME STAND FOR CME stands for coronal mass ejection. This is when a massive burst of gas that is released into the solar air. This gas is called a solar storm. It can reach speed of 8 million kilometers an hour. After 8 hours it reaches Mercury. After 12 hours it reaches Venus Then finally after 18 hours the solar storm reaches earth
How does earth prevent them When the solar system reaches earth something strange happens. The earth is surrounded by a magnetic pull. When the solar storm hits the magnetic pull it curves round and tails off. Some of the atoms curve round to the north and south pole creating the northern and southern lights
Why do we need to wear sun cream We all need time to play in the sun. When bare skin is exposed to sun light, most skin will either burn or tan. UV light wavelengths are short enough to break the chemical bonds in skin tissue. With prolonged exposure skin may wrinkle or skin cancer may appear. Burning or tanning are skins natural response to UV light. That’s why we need to wear sun cream.