Yoga is great routine for physical as well as psychological well-being.
Yoga also helps in improving sexual life Boosting stamina Increasing endurance Promoting flexibility Improving strength
Boosts blood flow between abdomen & thigh region Sit on floor Spread legs as wide as you can Keep your thighs pressed with floor Either sit straight or bend forward and touch your toes Stay in this position for few breathes, and then relax
Improves circulation of blood in the pelvic area Lie on back Lift your legs up in air with straight knees Lift your body till you can Keep this position for some breathes Then relax
Relaxes body and mind Effective in stress relieving Kneel on ground Then sit on your heels Now bend forward and stretch your arms to touch ground After a few breathes you can relax
Helps in strengthening pelvic muscles Sleep on your back Lift your body with bent knees, until thighs are parallel to ground Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then relax
Increases flexibility of thigh and hip muscles Sit crossed-leg on floor Pull each feet on top of opposite thigh Hold this position for few minutes to feel the pull of muscles
Increases blood flow to the brain Enhances stimulation and alertness Lie on back Gently lift your legs in air Now bring it beyond head and try touching floor Hold this position for some deep breathes and then relax
Enhances blood circulation in cervical area Stand on one leg Twine the other leg around first Twist it as much as you can Then get back to normal position and repeat with other leg
Helps in relieving pain, especially in menstruation Stand with some space between your feet Now bent legs from knees Stay in this position for some time Then get back to normal
One of the basic and most effective pose Be on floor on all fours i.e. both hands and feet Push hips back to straighten legs This pose would look like an inverted V
Promotes flexibility of hips and thigh muscles It is an extension to downward dog pose When in downward dog pose, bring your right foot beside right arm Keep thigh parallel to ground Then slowly get back to relaxed position Repeat it again with other leg