Gilded Age Captain of industry/robber barons JP Morgan, Rockefeller, Carnegie Glittered on the surface but was corrupt underneath Immigrants searching for the American Dream-Ellis Island Child labor Labor unions were usually put down New technology Company towns Factory work Unsanitary conditions Monopolies
Laissez Faire? Yes, laissez faire was in place. Ex: Big businesses could have monopolies over smaller companies; big bosses got paid a lot while the workers got paid nothing Ex: the gov’t didn’t help the labor unions
Progressive Era Imperialism-we were trying to make the world better, democracy, Spanish-American War, jingoism, yellow journalism Women were fighting for suffrage Governments squashes monopolies TEDDY!!!!! He is the first progressive president – Environment – Industry – Food/drug The Jungle
NO laissez faire The government gets involved!!!!!! EX: Teddy supports the coal union, no more misprinting of labels on food and medicines
1920s-WWI is over! The Roaring 20s Warren Harding-return to normalcy (pres) Herbert Hoover(pres) Prohibition-speakeasies Modernism vs. traditionalism – Model T, Henry Ford – Advertisements – Flappers – Scopes Trial – Harlem Renaissance – Gangsters The Great Migration Women finally vote People buy on credit….stock market crashes Black Tuesdays
Laissez Faire? Yes! The Government does not get involved in big business EX: return to normalcy meant getting rid of the Progressive Era’s reforms Economy is doing very well, people buying expensive items like cars and refrigerators
The Great Depression Herbert Hoover is the pres. When it starts – Hoovervilles, hoovershacks Dust Bowl – Oklahoma-Okies (center of the country-farmers) – Overproduction by farmers Jalopies Rt. 66 Bread lines Unemployment was at 25% Worldwide
Laissez-faire? Yes! HH didn’t help the people; he believed in volunteerism