High health, high performance (HHP) horses - recent developments - Susanne Münstermann Regional Commission Meeting, Lebanon, 10 – 14 November 2015 Scientific and Technical Department, OIE Paris
Content Background Value and growth of industry Challenges to international horse movement Collaboration with FEI and IFHA General principles of HHP The concept Health management Certification Supportive research Documentation of the concept EDFZs Conclusions
The value and growth of the horse industry : FEI international events up by 83% = 3825 events in 2014 = 69 countries hosted jumping events Registered riders up by 67% Registered horses up by 78% (70,819) Middle East Region 15 National Equestrian Federations 8 National Racing Authorities
Socio-economic benefits Significant socio-economic benefits accrue to countries, industries and consumers from international equestrian events, e.g. Olympics, WEG The sport horse and race horse industries are growth industries By facilitating the international movement of competition horses globally, more countries can benefit from this growth
Competition horses Move frequently internationally Enter countries on a temporary basis Kept in bio-secure environments Close veterinary supervision Low health risk Identified and traceable
Perceived challenges to travel internationally Application of excessive, inconsistent sanitary regulations Differing approaches to quarantine, laboratory testing Lack of knowledge/skills/interest/low priority for Veterinary Services No national regulations for temporary importation
Collaboration with the industry Public-Private-Partnership Address challenges at global level Dedicated ad hoc Group (April 2013 – March 2015) Foundation of International Sport Horse Confederation in 2014
Regional Conference for the Middle East
General principles of HHP concept Dedicated AHG – met 5 times during 2013 and 2015 AHG was advised by specialised expert meetings on certification and Biosecurity in 2014 and 2015 Presented outcomes to Industry group during 2 meetings in 2015 Veterinary Services Industry PPP
Goal of the HHP concept Framework for countries and regions to harmonize their approach to temporary import conditions, in line with OIE standards Minimise the risk of disease spread Support animal welfare
The pillars of the HHP concept Continuous veterinary supervision - preparation period - Agreed biosecurity measures A preparation period of 90 days Transportation from stable to venue At the competition venue Treacability Contingency plans - home, transport, venue -
Starting pointQualification as compartment Veterinary supervision Qualification as HHP horses Certification Travel for competition < 90 days Strategy for the compartment after departure of HHP horses Single use strategyMultiple use strategy Options for return of HHP horses Biosecurity
Rationale of the HHP risk mitigation strategy Certification
Diseases of concern for certification OIE listed diseases Non listed diseases of importance to the industry: Strangles, epizootic lymphangitis, vesicular stomatitis, infection with Hendra virus, horse mange, horsepox, infection with Nipah virus African Horse Sickness Equine infectious anaemia Contagious equine metritis Equine influenza Dourine Equine piroplasmosis Equine encephalomyelitisEquine rhinopneumonitis Western and Venezuelan Equine viral arteritis Rabies *, WNF *, AnthraxGlanders Surra African Horse Sickness Equine infectious anaemia Contagious equine metritis Equine influenza Dourine Equine piroplasmosis Equine encephalomyelitisEquine rhinopneumonitis Western and Venezuelan Equine viral arteritis Rabies *, WNF *, AnthraxGlanders Surra
Risk mitigated by HHP conditions Veneral diseases were excluded as breeding activities are not permitted while holding HHP status EVA (additional mitigation: vaccination) CEM Dourine Horse is a dead end host WEE - vaccine EEE - vaccine WNF - vaccine JE – vaccine St Louis Encephalitis Rabies - vaccine
Risk is mitigated by observing HHP health management principles, incl vector control and /or vaccination Surra EHV-1 Strangles Anthrax Screwworm Non-listed diseases
Diseases to be controlled & certified AHS - validated PCR test (2 x), 2 weeks vector proof quarantine VEE - vaccination or 3 weeks vector protected isolation Glanders - test and minimum residency period, establishment free for 6 months EI - vaccination EIA - test Piroplasmosis – test A paper has been published on the “6 diseases” and Delegates received a copy beginning of September.
Need for validated tests and vaccines AHS - validated PCR test - DIVA vaccine acceptable to free countries EI - validated PCR test - rapid pen-site agent identification tests - vaccine in line with ESP / OIE recommendations - harmonised vaccination protocols Piro - test with high SE/SP (IFAT and ELISA) Glanders – test with high SE/SP (CFT, confirmation with c-ELISA and Westernblot) EIA - AGID, ELISA VEE – PCR, ELISA, PRN; ELISA, HI, CFT; vaccine
Supportive research projects Diseases Equine influenza, glanders, African horse sickness Scope Diagnostic tests, vaccines, strenghtened scientific basis for safe international movement and health certification Process Call for tenders was launched in March 2015 Selection in June, implementation over the next 2 years
Documentation of the HHP concept Code chapter 4.16 General principles Approved in May 2014 and 2015 HHP Biosecurity guidelines Home stables, transport, event venues Model HHP Veterinary Certificate Harmonized health requirements for temporary movements of HHP horses Explanatory note Comments received by Code Com in Sept
September 2015: The Handbook for the Management of HHP horses An OIE Guideline summarising all key elements of the HHP concept: The general concept The Biosecurity Guidelines The risk mitigation strategy (« the 6 diseases ») Principles of certification for HHP horses HHP Model Veterinary Certificate Basis for the industry to develop their « Operational Guidelines » and for countries to test the concept
horse-movement/ Please check this website
Principle Zoning for multiple diseases Minimal disease risk for: - Horses participating in an event - Local domestic populations For a limited or longer period Safe return
Key elements List of diseases of concern Wildlife population, vectors Boundaries and operational arrangements for the EDFZ Contingency plan Monitoring and evaluation Horse Journal
Asian Games , China
Asian Games Republic of Korea Pilot testing of the HHP Certificate
Azerbaijan, Absheron Peninsula
Brazil, Rio 2016
Conclusion - EDFZ Complex and costly but substancial cost benefit Key role played by Veterinary Services Technical assistance of the OIE on request Framework how to set up an EDFZ available online
Conclusion OIE tools to support the expansion of horse industries in Member Countries now available: Handbook for the Management of HHP horses Framework to set up an EDFZ In PPP with industry the OIE promotes the pilot testing of the concept with its MC
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