Ability of soil to supply nutrients for plant growth
Soil is storehouse of nutrients Some available, some not
Soil fertility: quantity of nutrients soil contains how well protected from leaching how available to plant how easily roots can take them up
Plant nutrients Essential elements needed for plant growth
Plant nutrients Plants absorb 90 elements Only a few needed for growth Some not needed by plants but by animals that eat plants (cobalt) Others not needed, can be toxic (lead)
How to determine which are essential?
Essential plant elements 1. lack of element stops plant from growth or reproduction 2. element is directly involved in plant processes 3. shortage of element can only be corrected by supplying that element
17 essential elements 3 account for 95% plant needs carbon, oxygen and hydrogen come from water, air
Non-minerals Macronutrients Air and Water Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O)
14 come from soil 6 used in large amounts: macronutrients Nitrogen Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Potassium Sulfur
Primary Macronutrients Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Not always available in large enough quantities Add by fertilizing
Secondary Macronutrients Calcium Magnesium Sulfur Soil usually has plenty
Micronutrients 8 nutrients left Used in small amounts Plant won't grow normally without them
NUTRIENT IONS Plants absorb some of the nutrients as ions instead of elements Ion has positive or negative charge
Ion has: positive charge cation negative charge anion
Ions form in soil when compounds dissolve in water Example: Ions form in soil when compounds dissolve in water Example: Potassium nitrate (fertilizer) dissolves in water, molecule breaks down into potassium ion and nitrate ion
Plant roots absorb ions - soak like a sponge Soil particles adsorb ions - hold on to them - stick to it
SOURCES OF ELEMENTS IN SOIL Nutrient elements present in soil in four places (pools)
SOURCES OF ELEMENTS IN SOIL 1. soil minerals major source released slowly by weathering not source of nitrogen
SOURCES OF ELEMENTS IN SOIL 2. organic matter large amounts of nitrogen nutrient anions released by decay
SOURCES OF ELEMENTS IN SOIL 3. adsorbed nutrients held by clay and humus particles relatively available to plants
SOURCES OF ELEMENTS IN SOIL 4. dissolved ions ions in soil solution plants absorb directly may be leached
Soil colloids Tiny particles of clay and humus with slight electrical charge This charge attracts plant nutrient ions
CATION EXCHANGE Negative charge on soil colloids: attracts positively charge ions repels negatively charged ions
adsorption Negatively charged colloid attracts swarm of cations from soil solution
Cation Exchange When one ion taken up by plant (pulled off soil particle), replaced by another. Replacement of one cation for another
Ability of soil to hold nutrients – Ability of soil to hold nutrients – directly related to the number of cations it can attract to soil colloids Determined by the amount of clay and humus in soil mix
Displacement of cations depends on: Relative concentration high concentration displaces low The number of charges on a cation
high CHARGE displaces low Al>Ca>Mg>K>Na
Plant roots have negatively charged surfaces positively charged hydrogen ions attached Cation exchange takes place when plant roots exchange positive hydrogen ions for cations on soil colloids or in solution
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) The ability of soil to hold exchangable ions CEC expressed in milligram equivalents per 100 grams of soil (mEq/100g)
Bonding strength If two cations are present in soil in equal numbers one that bonds most strongly will be adsorbed others will be leached out
Mass action more ions in soil, more exchange sites it will occupy
Weakly held cations are more available for plant uptake
A clay particle is covered with negative charges Opposites attract, ions with positive charge(s) stick all over surface of clay root hairs secrete H+ into water around clay particles Smaller H cations replace larger cations
Several nutrients available to plants as negatively charged ions – anion exchange Negative charge means it is repelled from cation exchange site Anion exchange greatest in acid soils
Implications for Growing High CEC soils have more clay Low CEC soils more sand
Herbicide CEC determines how much herbicide should be used. Colloids absorb pesticides also, tie them up. High CEC, clay soils usually need more to get effect you want
Fertilization High CEC soils have greater ability to hold nutrients - larger amounts, less frequently Low CEC - smaller amounts more frequently - leach out
Golf courses - all sand - low CEC - fertilize lightly and often Golf courses - all sand - low CEC - fertilize lightly and often Greenhouses - soilless - low CEC - fertilize lightly and often
Improve CEC by adding organic matter Improve CEC by adding organic matter Clay soils need less organic matter except to aerate soil
Nutrient absorption Nutrient ions cross cell membranes of root cells and move into vascular system
Some uptake is passive Most uptake is active - takes energy to pull nutrients into high concentration already in plant
Roots produce energy by respiration Roots produce energy by respiration Waterlogged soil limits respiration - limits nutrient uptake
Root hairs get ions from soil solution by their own form of cation and anion exchange
As root tips grow, move through solution, constantly finding more nutrients
Capillary action moves nutrients through solution toward plant roots
Diffusion moves ions through soil solution Diffusion moves ions through soil solution – higher concentration to lower concentration
Factors affecting uptake Anything interfering with photosynthesis - slows growth, slows uptake --low light --poor drainage --soil compaction --dry soils --soil temperature
Luxury Consumption Plants can sometimes store nutrients for when growth may be slowed
Plants with deep roots, healthy roots need less fertilization