(Optional music video link below: “Because I’m Waggy” by Pharrell) After you click the link below, hit MUTE, and don’t show the screen, until you see… It’s a fun OPTIONAL (2 minute) music video intro for this year’s Jump Rope & Hoops for Heart (NOTE: Please stay by computer to exit out of any ads that appear and to close YouTube as soon as the song ends) (If you don’t want to show the “Because I’m Waggy” music video – just continue on to next slide )
Are you ready to… 1
Teachers: If you have internet access …Turn up your volume then… Click the link below for the “Jump Rope For Heart” Introduction Kick-Off Video: YouTube link (7 min): (Jump Rope for Heart) Or TeacherTube link :: Click the link below for the “Hoops for Heart” Introduction Kick-Off Video: YouTube link (7 min): (Hoops for Heart) Or Teacher Tube link: ***(NOTE: After the video move on to the rest of the slides in this presentation) Here’s how YOU can be a “HEART-HERO” by learning how to take care of your heart, and others ! 2
3 Are you ready to be a PAWSitive role model for others And a “HEART HERO”?! So, what do you think??...
GREAT! Because it’s time for… 4 “Yay!!!”
Fun fact: Did you know your heart beats 100,000 times each day!? Raise your hand if you know where your heart is located Do you know why your heart is so important? (lets discuss briefly) Now, just for fun… Can you form the shape of a heart with your hands, like this? The main job of the heart is to pump blood to every part of your body. The blood carries oxygen and all the food, vitamins and minerals that your body needs to breathe, move, think, grow, and be healthy!
To get physical activity each day! Watch out for too much Sodium (Salt) in our food It’s time to HAVE FUN learning how to take care of our hearts, and others! This year’s “Puppy Squad” will help teach us… Eat more Fruits & Veggies Drink more water The power in helping others
Now it’s time for you to officially meet… This year’s Life-Saving Puppy Squad! “They’re all totally PAW-some!” 7
Meet !!! 8 Super Pup says… “If you can help raise $5 to help make hearts healthy and happy YOU can bring me & your new dog-bone lanyard home! Thank you for doing your part to help a heart!” Super Pup’s SUPER POWER is Helping Others!! He gets energized from helping people in his community fight heart disease by raising AWARENESS and LIFE-SAVING donations!
Meet Ninja Pup !! 9 Ninja Pup says… “If you JOIN our TEAM using your computer or phone you can send heart-healthy messages to everyone you know & help raise life-saving donations “The NINJA Way” and YOU can bring me home! Thank you for doing your part to help a heart!” Ninja Pup is always on the lookout for sneaky hidden salt in foods Ninja Pups pays attention to the Salty Six : Bread, cold cuts, pizza, canned soup, poultry and sandwiches. She’s very stealthy and catches salt before it sneaks up!
Meet Martian Muttley !! 10 Martian Muttley says… “If you JOIN our TEAM using your computer or app on your phone you can send heart-healthy messages to everyone you know & help raise at least $85 in life-saving donations YOU can bring me home! & Thank you for doing your part to help a heart!”
Meet Capt’n Bark !! 11 Capt’n Bark says… “If you help raise at least $20 in life-saving donations YOU can bring me home after your event! & Thank you for doing your part to help a heart!” Capt’n Bark keeps “SHIP SHAPE” by saying “ Arrrrrg ”… and “ NO !” to tobacco and e-cigarettes. He likes breathing clean smoke-free air – and he’s a great role-model for his friends, family, and crew!
Meet !!! 12 Dr. Bow-Wow says… “If you help raise at least $35 in life-saving donations YOU can bring me home after your event! & Thank you for doing your part to help a heart!” Dr. Bow-Wow got her medical degree from “UC Barkley”! She knows to stay away from sugary drinks like soda and so-called “energy drinks”… she knows WATER is the original and the BEST energy drink! She tells her patients after they get lots of exercise they should lap-up WATER instead of soda, to help prevent diabetes and other health problems.
Meet !!! 13 Soccer Pup says… “If you help raise at least $100 in life-saving donations YOU can bring me home after your event! & Thank you for doing your part to help a heart!” Soccer Pup’s childhood hero was soccer star David “BARKham”! He knows that getting physically active every day keeps your heart healthy so you can play soccer or any activity you love to do! Soccer Pup always has a ball when he exercises! His GOAL is to be physically active for at least 60 minutes EVERY DAY!
Here’s a Tip from Ninja Pup…… “To COLLECT them ALL JOIN our TEAM using a computer or “ Jump/Hoops” app on your phone!” 14 You’ll get Super Pup, the dog-bone lanyard AND Ninja Pup very soon if you can do this!!! You’ll bring home the instructions of how to do it – it’s FUN! REMEMBER ask your grown-up at home to help you use the computer or app on their phone to tell all your friends and family you’re a HEART HERO !
You can even add your PICTURE or a VIDEO you make ! 1: Go to Or 2: Follow the steps to Register 3: Scroll down the list until you find our school and click on “JOIN TEAM” Or use the app! Register on the FREE app called “Jump/Hoops”!!
Make a “Puppify Me” on your computer to send friends and family! Here’s Ms. Marjorie’s Puppify Me! She chose to turn herself into “Ninja Pup”! Then they can click to visit my personal page & this is what they will see… Everybody say… “Puppify Me!” Great job! Which Pup do you want to be?
PLUS: Here are all the other JUMP THANK YOU Gifts you could receive at the end of our event! 17
PLUS: Here are all the other HOOPS THANK YOU Gifts you could receive at the end of our event! 18
“Thank You” gifts are FUN, but are they the most important reason WHY we raise these donations and participate? “NO WAY!”
20 Hmmm….? This is “RUFF”…. Then WHY do we do it? Here are some of my WHY’s… To help others is WHY My brother is WHY To save lives is WHY To make the future brighter is WHY!
21 Here’s Ms. Marjorie’s WHY… Ohhh… OK, I get it now!!
What or Who is your “WHY”? 22
Here are some other “WHY’s” ! Grace. Alicia. Vince Lucy. Sela. Caroline Marty Zoe Annie Lindsey.
NOW… What are some things you’ve learned are GOOD for your heart? What are some things you’ve learned about that are bad for your heart?... (Raise your hands and share some ideas )
25 You can receive Super Pup VERY SOON if you bring back the coupon on your envelope to show you raised your first $5 life-saving donation! (& the dog-bone lanyard too!!!) AND also Ninja Pup if your grown-ups at home help you use your computer or the app on their phone To raise life-saving donations! This Ninja Pup sticker will help you remember…
From your Friends at The American Heart Association & Our Life-Saving Pup Squad… we say…. 26 “THANK YOU for doing your part to help save a HEART!”
TEACHERS: As a fun reminder… Please put a Ninja Pup sticker on each student on the day you introduce the program and send home the envelopes/flyers with your students! (These should be in your event supply box, if not let your AHA contact know ASAP) THANK YOU for all you do!!! “You are WOOFderful!” 27