Anthony Rizzolo
The biggest loser diet expects you to eat regular meals that emphasize filling calories with fruits, vegetables, lean protein sources, and whole grains. It claims that after six weeks you will not only be on your way to weight loss but also help prevent diabetes, lower the risk of cancer, dementia, and Alzheimer’s. They don’t mention that you must continue strictly following the diet after to continue seeing results.
While it incorporates all parts of a nutritious diet, it fails to meet many of the DRIs. It failed to meet 3 out of 5 of the vitamins DRIs as well as only meeting the DRI for Protein, total fat, iron, and cholesterol.
This diet has been shown to lower LDL cholesterol, as well as blood pressure, and triglycerides which are linked to heart disease It is viewed as an ideal diet for preventing or controlling diabetes. It also has no glaring health risks I would recommend this diet to someone who is willing to put forth all of the effort that is required to do it. It gives you an easy to follow way to control your caloric intake while also making sure you incorporate all of the food groups into your diet.