What is beauty?
Kantian Ethics Reading – Puzzle of Ethics p53-62 Agenda To contextualise Kantian ethics within its enlightenment surroundings To understand some of the basic beliefs
Immanuel Kant Kant – 1724 – 1804 Lived through 18 th century european enlightenment. Had the recent impact of 17 th to draw from.
17 th century
A pretty big century for humans Science – Galileo, Newton, Kepler Philosophy – Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz Literature – Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke, Shakespeare Art – Rembrandt, Rubens Music – Vivaldi, Handel, Bach
Enlightenment and Kant ‘Enlightenment’, wrote Immanuel Kant, ‘is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity. “Have the courage to use your own understanding!” – that is the motto of enlightenment.’ ‘If it is now asked, “Do we presently live in an enlightened age? The answer is, “No, but we do live in an age of enlightenment.’”
Kant Lived his whole life in Konigsberg – townspeople set their watch by him Awakened from his ‘intellectual slumber’ by reading Hume Three minute philosophy video
Activity Write a sentence about Kant by picking an option each time:- Kant was a deontologist/consequentialist who held knowledge as a priori/a posteriori and believed ethics to be relative/absolute. He did/didn’t believe in God and puts human emotion/reason at the forefront of ethics. Kant was/was not an empiricist Ext – What is beauty for Kant?
Discussion Transcendental idealism, a priori, groundwork, critique.
Summary – Bingo sheets feedback Starry sky quote