Financial Management of ECE Programs
Go to “Tools” Click on “Personal Information” to edit your personal information (including address) or to change your password.
On the left side of the screen are tabs linking you to various course content and tools On the right side of the screen you will find an “Announcements” box. You should check this daily for announcements from your instructor. Click on individual announcement titles to view the announcements in their entirety
Financial Planning in ECE Programs
‘SYLLABUS ‘ TAB‘INSTRUCTOR’ TAB Download the syllabus for this course to review: Course requirements Instructor information Course Policies Timelines and due dates Overview of assignments View information about your instructor including: Contact information Office Hours View a picture
Weekly outlines of the topic we will discuss Outline details all course activity required for that week including readings, power points and assignments. It’s important that you review the overview for the topic(s) we are studying each week- they will ensure you complete all required work! Use the overviews as checklists to make sure you complete all weekly work!
You’ll find all material needed to complete weekly work in the ‘Weekly Work’ tab including: Reading resources (other than textbook) Power Point presentations Learning activities and weekly assignments Links to learning objects Web site links Links to videos and other multi-media
The required reading for each week is listed in the Weekly Overview and on your course syllabus. It includes both selections from the textbook and from online articles. Be sure to read all required material prior to the class date in which the topic will be discussed.
Power Point presentation(s) are generally provided for each topic area and can be found in the ‘Weekly Work’ tab. Some topics contain more than 1 power point presentation. Be sure to view all power point presentations associated with a topic as they provide additional information not found in your textbook.
WEEKLY WORKMAJOR ASSIGNMENTS Descriptions of weekly assignments, or learning activities, can be found in the ‘weekly work’ tab. The ‘weekly work’ tab is also where most assignments are submitted to the instructor for grading and feedback Access information about major assignments at any time by clicking on Course Assessments. On the main course page. Here you’ll find: Project descriptions and grading rubrics for the assignment Your instructor will provide a link to these assignments in the weekly work tab in the week in which the assignment is due.
Most assignments can be viewed first so that related documents and resources (like project descriptions and rubrics) can be downloaded and studied while you complete the assignment. Click on the assignment in blackboard to read directions on how to complete your work or to download related content needed to complete the assignment Later, when you’re ready to hand in your assignment, use the “browse” function to upload your assignment for your instructor. Make sure to click “submit to instructor” to send your assignment Bb will automatically notify your instructor when an assignment has been submitted this way. DO NOT send assignment to your instructor through !
Be sure to label all assignments with the following: Your name The topic name (Topic 3: Organizational Structures) The assignment title (Financial Plan)
Provides links to weekly web sites noted in the Weekly Overviews. Be sure to visit and explore web sites of the week noted in your overviews- they are designed to provide additional information on topic related material.
Contains links to a variety of web sites, documents and resources that are of general use. Includes links on how to use APA style to cite journal article and Internet references and links to applications you may need to run course materials (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader).
PDF files Power Point Presentations are saved in a pdf. file format. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view these files. If your computer does not already have Adobe Acrobat, it can be downloaded for fee at (a link is provided in the ‘External Links’ tab for your convenience). They may take awhile to download and print
Financial Management of ECE Programs
This course makes use of several online tools, including Web Logs (blogs) and Wikis A blog, is a website that is designed to be updated frequently with new entries. The entries in a blog are usually displayed in reverse-chronological order (most-recent first). A wiki is a website of one or more pages that allows people to add and edit content collectively. This course’s wiki has an easy-to-use editor that lets you quickly add content and style your work.
Weekly journal entries are written in a private blog each week. Access the blog by clicking on the ‘Reflective Journal’ tab on the main course page. Once in the blog, click on ‘add new entry’ or ‘edit’ to write a new reflection or to add information to, or edit, an old reflection. Be sure to click submit at the bottom of the page to save your entry. Your instructor provides comments to your blog; be sure to check back for comments and feedback frequently!
There are several Wiki’s that will be accessed throughout this course. Each wiki starts on a homepage. You can edit the Wiki homepage or add new pages at any time and link them together. Click ‘edit’ to add information to an already existing page Click new to add a new page to the Wiki site. Wikis are very versatile- you can add images, upload documents, link to media, or add color to your Wiki’s, making them a fun, interactive way to share content.
Click on “Discussion Board” on the main course page Click on the discussion forum for the topic the class is working on Click “Add New Thread” to respond to the discussion forum question Click on threads to read and respond to others comments. Dates for required discussion forums can be found in the course syllabus.
‘My Grades’ allows 24/7 access to your grades. It will show up to date scores on your quizzes, exams and projects Some grades in the grade book must be manually entered by your instructor..
Click on “ ” Use this function to Send an to your instructor Send an to selected class members Send an to all class members
Use and you can usually expect a response within 24 hours. Instructor’s address: You can also leave a voice mail message, but response time will likely be slower (response within 1- 2 days) Instructor’s office phone:
There is a Student Manual for Blackboard help under the “Tools” tab on the main course page. Call the Student Bb Help Desk at Ren Rodee, the Blackboard Administrator, at