5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service HMA Follow On Activities Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service (Sensor Planning Service) MTR 5 July 2010 Reuben Wright, Deimos Space
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Schedule Deliverables SPS 2.0 and SWE specifications EO Extension for SPS 2.0 Executable Test Suite Combining SPS with other Services HMA Online Data Access workshop SFRE Documentation SF Client SF Server
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Schedule 1/2
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Schedule 2/2
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Proposal Information: List of Documentation Deliverables
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Proposal Information: List of Software Deliverables
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SPS 2.0 and SWE specifications Status SWE Service Model 2.0 and SPS 2.0 SWGs are currently working on the RFC comments and creating revised documents Reached agreement on http-URI identifiers across all SWE specs Next Steps Ingo Simonis reports that they should be finalized during the summer (probably July) After this then there is a last internal review phase Open Issues Need to decide level of use of the OGC specification model NB Slide not discussed as there was more info available from Johannes Echterhoff and Carl Reed separately
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Operations Mandatory Interface (Operation Group)
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Operations Optional Interfaces (Operation Group)
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 New Identifier: OGC Status: RFC In OGC Pending area and HMA Wiki for reviews UML diagrams and schemas updated, requirements highlighted, complete abstract test suite Added a few questions/issues to document to help focus reviews Reviews Input from Astrium, CNES, Deimos, Elsag Datamat, Spot, Terradue More would be useful, particularly from other satellite operators HMA Wiki forum can be used for feedback Looking for largest common denominator of parameters. Mission specific parameters can always be added (but are always optional)
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 SPS Tasking Parameters for all missions
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 SPS Tasking Parameters for all missions
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 SPS Tasking Parameters for all missions
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 SPS Tasking Parameters specific to Optical and Radar
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Validation parameters specific to Optical and Radar
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 SPS Feasibility Study Parameters
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 SPS Status Parameters
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 New Operation: GetSensorAvailability
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 New Operation: Validate
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 New Operation: SubmitSegmentByID Response is classical SPS SubmitResponse
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Additional Notification Topics SegmentPlanned SegmentAcquired SegmentValidated SegmentCancelled SegmentFailed
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service Issues GML (used within EO GML 2.0) Specification has RFC note that EO GML will be applicable This is as discussed at PR: “Andrew’s approach is using GML 3.2 except the GML:Observation. Approach to be aligned with approach proposed by Simon Cox which most likely will use the same model-driver-approach.", "It is agreed that GML 3.2 will be used by all tasks." Schemas used are Andrew Woolfe’s “Reverse engineered” ones Is this correct and how/when will they be formally adopted? EO Extension for SPS 2.0 cannot be adopted before EO GML 2.0 OGC Web Services Common 2.0 (06-121r9) Named as applicable and used for exception reporting Current SF Server and Client releases use OWS 1.1 schemas, but when specification and schemas are available we will use them Is the schedule for the schema work known?
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Executable Test Suite Requirement/Conformance classes Core requirements for all mission types Additional extensions for optical missions Additional extensions for SAR missions GetSensorAvailability Operation Validate Operation SubmitSegmentByID Operation SOAP binding Notifications
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service EO Extension for Sensor Planning Service 2.0 Executable Test Suite Tests to be written using CTL Tests will be derived from EO Extn for SPS 2.0 Abstract Test Suite Schema (only) tests from SPS 2.0 ATS Tests will use CTL rules, XSD schema, Schematron, XSLT, and Java TEAM Engine (our understanding) Official version in Sourceforge “Unofficial” HMA Branch from ERGO Erdas have also created a version Questions Which version have other HMA tasks used? Which should we use? Is there ongoing work?
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Combining SPS with other Services Operational Scenarios Technical Note
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service Combining SPS with other Services Operational Scenarios Technical Note Segments are acquired by the GS and a product made available The client/operator sends a DescribeResultAccess to the SPS In the response, the SPS provides the ID of the acquisition and the URL of the Ordering Service The client/operator purchases the associated products by sending a Submit to the Ordering Service with the ID of the acquisition (perhaps amongst other parameters which indicate level of processing etc) The client/operator accesses to the data by sending a DescribeResultAccess to the Ordering Service when the order has been validated
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service HMA Online Data Access workshop 9/6/10 ZKI Rapid Mapping “wish list” for the data access Time to get access to data (We need the data as fast as possible) Delivery time from ordering User requirement: product 24 h after disaster/request for products based on new data, 8 h for reference products based on archive imagery (<16 hours for new acquisitions, < 2 hours for archive scenes) Data supply service availability (We need a robust service) 24/7 availability / If possible without any „down times“, 100% Data supply service structure (We need a quick but also “clear” process) Automated notification (as less manual interference as possible to avoid misunderstandings Clear references to activation and delivered data set Single pick-up point or a short list of data access points
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service HMA Online Data Access workshop 9/6/10 Supplementing services Coordinated data archive Catalogue option, viewing option (QL), download option Accessibility for other project partners (GMES) -> no interference of RM activities Support service / Help desk License issue (We need data that fits to the service and user requirements) Licenses with contributing missions should ensure maximum usability (no down-sampling) Additional options (We want to be enabled to plan our VA activities) Viewing/Planning option for satellite orbits/acquisitions (like SAVOIR tool) Individual notification on or pre-defined delivery times (duration between acquisition and data provision)
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service HMA Online Data Access workshop 9/6/10 SAFER – Emergency Response Service (ERS) “Current Shortcomings” Dissemination of SAFER post-processed EO datasets only on demand, because of resources and higher CPU/Storage requirments at the SPs Currently no programatic access (discovery) to content of CDA, just with Satellite Resource Table,which unfortunately does not specify delivery time (just sensing time) Heterogeneous notifications without metadata and relation to actual event / activation One of the Functional Requirements Searchable catalogue with archived and future EO products (already forseen for GSC-DA)
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SFRE Documentation 1/2 Software Design Document (SDD) Drafted an integrated document for both SF Client and SF Server ECSS 40C has been followed with the following sections not included as they were not deemed relevant for the project: Software dynamic architecture (The SDD shall describe the design choices to cope with the real time constraints (e.g. selection and description of the computational model). Long lifetime software (The SDD shall describe the design choices to cope with the long planned lifetime of the software, in particular minimum dependency on the operating system and the hardware to improve portability.) Memory and CPU budget (The SDD shall document and summarize the allocation of memory and processing time to the software components.) Software components design - General In our case there is no need for a further overview of the components (they are identified in 4.1. Software Static Architecture and 4.2. Software Behaviour) and all details are provided in the individual section for each component.
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SFRE Documentation 2/2 Software Validation Specification (SVS) Work in progress Test structure previously drafted in Deimos internal test plan format Test Designs Test Cases Test Procedures Will reference the Abstract and Executable Test Suites Also contains Manual tests Run using SF Client connected to SF Server Tests both the SF Client UI and the SF Server responses
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SPS Library Open Source SPS Library Hosted on googlecode Used in both SF Client and SF Server Deserializes the incoming SOAP messages to Java objects Serializes Java objects into outgoing SOAP responses Work in Progress Updates to support new operations/schemas/semantics of SPS 2.0 and EO Extension for SPS 2.0 Deimos updates committed SPOT updates expected soon Open Source Notifications Library to be created by SPOT soon
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client Architecture Web Browser Web Server MySQL DB WorldWind Google Web Toolkit Apache Tomcat SPS Library
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Server Architecture SPS Controller Notifications Planning System Earth Explorer Mission CFI Apache Axis SPS Library Notification Library
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Server State management Submit Reserve Confirm Update Simulated acquisitions May fail (eg weather) Database updated Notifications triggered Get Status responses updated
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client and Server demo SF Client UI Sensor selection Tasking Parameters Display of Feasibility Analyses on map SF Server operation Feasibility Analysis Not shown: Scenario management Not shown: Tasking simulation
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots SF Client UI 3D Map Sensor selection Tasking Parameters Display of Feasibility Analyses on map
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots
5 July 2010 HMA-FO Task 2: Feasibility Analysis Service SF Client screenshots