Chapter 20
Uses recombinant DNA DNA formed from two different sources One source is typically a bacterial plasmid Isolate plasmid from bacteria Insert DNA from foreign source Re-insert into bacteria (now recombinant bacterium)
Enzymes that cut DNA at specific sequences (restriction endonucleases) Bacteria use them for protection against foreign DNA Each has a specific cutting sequence – restriction site Cuts result in DNA fragments For cloning, use of restriction enzymes that leave sticky ends is useful
Involves a cloning vector Bacterial plasmid to copy gene Isolate plasmid and hummingbird DNA Cut both with same restriction enzyme Mix plasmid and DNA fragments Plate on bacteria on agar containing ampicillin and X-gal
Complete set of plasmid containing clones Each carries copies of particular segments Extract DNA from organism Digest with restriction enzyme Insert into plasmids Seal with ligase Bacteria take up plasmids and grow
Sometimes interested in just the protein itself Can make DNA library from expressed mRNA – cDNA Use reverse transcriptase Added to mRNA from cell type in question Makes single stranded DNA using dT’s mRNA degraded DNA pol III makes complimentary strand Does not contain any introns
Detecting DNA sequence in genomic library Cells from wells are transferred to nylon mesh Membrane is treated to break open the cells Membrane is incubated in radioactive probes Membrane is laid on photographic film
Bacterial systems can be difficult Certain gene expression patterns differ Introns can be a problem Bacteria do no have RNA splicing machinery Eukaryotic systems works better Yeast is easier to grow than bacteria Many eukaryotic proteins will not function unless modified after transcription
May need to produce additional copies if small amount or impure Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Denature Anneal Extension 2 n = n is number of cycles
Separate nucleic acids or proteins based on size N.A./Proteins carry negative charge Cut N.A. with restriction enzyme Place sample in wells Smaller fragments will move farther than larger fragments Stain with dye (ethidium bromide)
Used to compare restriction fragments from different samples Cut DNA with restriction enzyme Gel electrophoresis DNA transfer Hybridization
Used to measure the amount of mRNA in different samples Gel electrophoresis of mRNA Transfer to nitrocellulose Allow mRNA’s to hybridize with labeled probes for β- globin Transfer to film and see what stages present
Used for mRNA expression Isolate mRNA’s Reverse transcriptase is added to make cDNA This is a template for PCR amplification When run on a gel only copies of the gene will be observed as bans
Isolate mRNA from two tissues Convert to cDNA (fluorescently labeled) by reverse transcriptase Probes are single stranded- typically 20 nucleotides cDNA are mixed and to the chip Complimentary strands will bind to the cDNA on chip Scanner detects hybridization
RNAi Use of double stranded RNA to match the sequence of a particular gene Once attached it will trigger breakdown of the gene or block transcription Used in many animals, but ethical considerations in humans
1997-Dolly Remove nucleus from unfertilized egg and replace with nucleus of differentiated cell Died at age of 6 from lung disease usually seen in much older sheep
Unspecialized cells Embryonic stem cells Isolated from embryo at blastula stage Reproduce indefinitely in culture Differentiate into many different cells Adult stem cells Differentiation capabilities limited Blood cells, bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, brain nerve cells
Identification of genes causing genetic diseases PCR and labeled probes to look for differences/pathogens Sickle cell, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, Duchene MD Companies now offer screening for genetic disorders SNP’s
Introduce genes for therapeutic purposes Only works with disorders traceable to one defective gene Bone marrow cells make excellent vectors SCID – Severe combine immudeficieny First treated with gene therapy
Determining sequence/structure of proteins has led to treatments Imantinib – inhibits receptors responsible for developing a leukemia Can produce medications in culture or through transgenic animals
Use of genetic markers to develop a genetic profile Short Tandem Repeats (STR’s) – tandemly repeated units, 3-5 bases in specific regions Number of repeats is highly variable person to person PCR amplifies the STR and then the number of repeats can be determined with electrophoresis
Bacteria can be modified to clean up materials Heavy metals, biodegradable materials in landfills, petroleum Was used after BP oil spill to clean up spill