Advanced Placement Language and Composition EXAM
How to pass? Know the exam! AND PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!!! -- Visit
Language vs. Literature Language: assesses knowledge and skills in expository writing or rhetoric Literature: assesses knowledge and skills in dealing with literature
What is RHETORIC? Writing; any form of communication The idea of rhetoric has both negative and positive connotations. The purpose is not to pursue truth; it is to produce conviction. Conviction means one will act according to beliefs. Socrates versus Aristotle
How would you persuade your parents to allow you to attend a concert on a school night?
Rhetoric can steer us in any direction whatsoever. During a trial, jurors have convinced themselves, after being persuaded, to a position about the truth of an issue. BUT IS IT TRUE? Are jurors ever wrong?
What does it test? Capacity to analyze passages Historical periods, rhetorical styles, and disciplines Ability to write a variety of analytical essays that show how authors use language to express views, convey meaning, and create effects in readers
Setup Lasts 3 hours; 2 sections Part I – Multiple Choice: multiple choice questions based on reading of four or five passages from literature, history, science, art, language, and so on -- lasts one hour -- 45% ● Part II – Free Response: -- 3 essays: analyzing style, rhetoric, and use of language of selected passages; responding to a passage or topic in argumentative form; produce information with help from various sources -- lasts two hours -- 55%
Scoring Take the test in May, receive scores in July Reported on a scale of – extremely well-qualified -- 4 – well-qualified -- 3 – qualified ** -- 2 – possibly qualified ** -- 1 – not recommended for AP credit
Multiple Choice Score Awarded one point for each question you answer correctly Receive no points for each question you leave blank Points are NOT deducted for incorrect answers DON’T make completely random guesses; use POE (process of elimination) and make educated guesses
Free Response Score Scored on scale from 0-9, with 9 being the best Essay readers will grade 3 essays and add scores together (ranges from 0-27)
FINAL SCORE Final is a 1-5 and is a combination of the two sections Remember the percentages! Formula used to calculate You will only receive the one number on your score sheet (1-5)
Rewards Many colleges and universities may waive your freshman English requirement May receive credit for the required course May be permitted to take a more advanced course in your first year -- Check with the admissions office you hope to attend!!! ( ) -- Check with Guidance!
Credit Scores vary from school to school A 4 or 5 will almost always get you credit when available A 3 works at many schools, especially larger universities 1 or 2 =
Registration Administered once a year (Friday, May 10 8 am) Fee is $86 All AP exams are given in early May Wear comfortable clothes Bring two number-2 pencils and a few good BLUE or BLACK pens
Overview Reading test; cannot just comprehend but must be aware of how authors manipulate language to create meaning and evoke a response How does sentence structure affect readers? How do details contribute to meaning? How does form relate to content? Rhetorical devices: theme, tone, diction, syntactical patterns, allusion, imagery, paradox, irony, satire, etc… 5-12 multiple choice questions on each passage (5-7 passages)
…Continued Essays: – 1: Write about author’s use of language (stylistic and rhetorical analysis) – 2: Write an argument that defends or challenges the point of view of author – 3: Write an essay that synthesizes information form an array of sources Readers are impressed by clarity, coherence, good reasoning, and a writing style that demonstrates your command of a variety of effective writing techniques (voice, tone, etc.)
Multiple Choice Section Functions of paragraphs and how paragraphs are used in developing ideas Sense and types of sentences Rhetorical devices Works from 19 th and 20 th centuries, possibly from the 18 th century Different types of writing: essay, biography, speech, letter, journalism, criticism, science and nature, historical or political pieces, etc…
… Continued Most passages will only be identified by their date of publication AP reading is never going to be interesting reading; however, it models what will be read in college. Most will probably be missing introductory material, titles, notes, and authors No grammar questions, but rudimentary knowledge of grammar is imperative Vocabulary! Development must happen daily. Don’t be a lazy reader. Use notecard! No skimming, no rereading.
Breaking Down Free Response minutes; counts for 55% of grade 1.15 minute reading period 2.Analysis of a passage and presentation of analysis (40 minutes) 3.Argumentative essay: supports, refutes, or qualifies a statement provided (40 minutes) 4.Synthesis essay: integrates information from a variety of sources (40 minutes)
… Continued Time Management! PRACTICE writing 40 minute essays! Get practice books: Barron’s, The Princeton Review, etc. Scored on scale of 0-9, with 9 being the best 4 and 5 for Free Response are the average (quality and quantity) Goal should be at least a 6 or 7 Table leaders and readers practice, practice, practice; devoted to a TYPE Don’t contribute to monotony; make it stand out! (underline)
8-9 Essay Well-organized and well-written Addresses prompt Specific examples Student develops a position Ideas expressed skillfully and carefully Rhetorical strategies CLEAR! CLEAR! CLEAR!
6-7 Essay Less precise and less supported Rhetorical strategies, but are less effective Few mechanical errors
5 essay Superficial Miss the complexity of the prompt Treatment of rhetorical devices in overly generalized Adequately conveys the writer’s thoughts, but essay is limited and inconsistent BORING!
Tips for a High Score Neatness! It must be legible! Print. An occasional scratch-out is fine; however, don’t be messy INDENT PARAGRAPHS! Make it noticeable! When in doubt, make a new paragraph. Put a lot of care into the first paragraph If you can’t spell a word, don’t use it
… Continued Take some risks! – The candidate’s appearance was neat, and the boss gave him the job right away. – The candidate’s Armani suit and sleek silk tie captivated the boss, who slipped a contract across the table without comment or hesitation. Pay attention to diction (word choice)! Don’t use generic verbs DO NOT use contractions! DO NOT use shorthand symbols! DO NOT use text lingo!
… Continued Again Answer the question / prompt Budget your time! Try to go in order Good writers should not restrict themselves to the “5 paragraph essay” Thesis statement Plan to fill three of the lined pages in the booklet Don’t waste time on a formal outline; use notes If you can’t remember the name of a text, use what you do remember. Style: sophistication of language!
Writer’s Purpose Explore Question Enrage Inform-- Audience Movement! Define-- Move them ethically, Entertainemotionally, or Ventlogically Persuade
Introduction Don’t write a long introduction! 3 sentences max. 1 st sentence: some sort of context with exigency (what is driving the writer to write?) Thesis! Present plan Should be perfect in regards to grammar
Body Present body paragraphs in order they were presented in the introduction Topic sentences! MUST BE STRONG! Examples! End paragraphs with a clincher or a transition
Conclusion Keep it short Invite the reader to reflect