Lab-Extrusion single screw Drive: Laboratory extruder 2.2 kW max.screw diameter 30mm Power Melt Feeder 7.5 kW max.screw diameter 30mm Max Power Melt Feeder 13 KW screw diameter 45mm Screw diameter:Screw length [L/D] 20 mm 20/25 1”20 30 mm20/25 45 mm20/25/30 Dies: rheometer die, round hole die Downstream equipment: flat film, film blow, tubing device, filter measuring head, cable sheeting head, other equipment available
Laboratory extruder with single screw Application: Polymer melt feeding of downstream equipment Laboratory extrusion of low viscosity materials (plastics) with Rheological analysis
Extrusiometer with single screw and torque measurement Application: -Extrusion of low and high viscosity materials (rubber, thermoplastics, PVC) -Rheological material characterization including torque measurement -Material feeding to downstream equipment
Influence of material change during compounding on pressure build up over screw length and throughput Extrusiometer single screw 30mm/25D
Viscosity measurement with extrusiometer on LDPE material Single screw 30mm 25D, Die 30/2mm