Regulating through Revalidation: Initial Impacts Judith Chrystie, Assistant Director, Policy & Regulatory Development, Planning Performance & Change
Presentation Outline Background Aims Process Revalidation Current Statistics Initial Impact Commitment to review Independent research & review Internal improvement work Future
Revalidation - background Introduced in December 2012 Most significant change in medical regulation in 150 years Innovative and one of the most ambitious schemes in the world Normally every 5 years, doctors demonstrate up to date, fit to practise and providing good care
Revalidation: Aims Bring all doctors into clinical governed system Licence: indicator that doctor meets professional standards Doctors reflect on changes and improvements Help identify problems earlier Extra confidence to patients doctors are regularly checked Improved, safer patient care
Revalidation: Process Annual appraisal
Revalidation: Process Whole practice appraisal based on Good Medical Practice (GMP) Discuss practice and performance against four domains and related attributes Use and reflect on supporting informationShow meet standards and values of GMP
Revalidation: Routes to revalidate Designa ted Body Responsible Officer (RO) - licensed Dr Legislation lists DBs and RO responsibilities Make revalidation recommendations to GMC Suitable Person Approved by GMC against published criteria. Licensed Dr with sufficient link to revalidating Dr Make revalidation recommendations to GMC NPC No prescribed connection – no DB or SP Send GMC annual returns (including appraisals) Sit revalidation assessment – knowledge test GMC use material to make revalidation decision
Initial Impact
Current Statistics - 02/12/12 to 31/01/16 225,234 Doctors subject to revalidation 173,282 Revalidation recommendations approved 51,952 Doctors to be revalidated
Recommendations - Current Statistics
Licence Withdrawals - 02/12/12 to 31/01/
Licences Relinquished - 02/12/12 to 31/01/16 28,000
Appraisal Rates
Appraisal Rates in England
Appraisal Rates in Scotland
Appraisal Rates in Wales
Appraisal Rates Positive impact of revalidation Shows commitment to clinical governance Increase in doctors now reflecting and given opportunity to improve practice and delivery of patient care
Evaluating Revalidation Committed to reviewing and evaluating revalidation and seeking to make improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of the processes
Evaluating Revalidation Internal Improvement Projects External Input Independent Work
Evaluating Revalidation - RAB Revalidation Advisory Board was established in March 2013 Advises GMC how effectively revalidation is operating through members’ perspectives/experiences 4 countries health administrations; ROs, patients; doctors …
Taking Revalidation Forward Sir Keith Pearson leading a review of how we can take revalidation forward in the future Review will draw on evidence of the operation and impact of revalidation since it was launched Offer recommendations by end 2016 about to improve revalidation
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