Using the “Frayer Model” to learn vocabulary Per 3, 5: 9/1/11 Per: 2, 4, 6
Academic Vocabulary Why is using proper vocabulary important?
Should you use the same vocabulary with your friends that you do with your professors and boss? Why or why not?
What is a frayer model? The Frayer Model is a type of graphic organizer that helps students develop relationships and categories associated with vocabulary. It provides students an opportunity to explain and elaborate with examples their understandings of a concept, issue or word.
Definition/POS:Characteristics: Examples:Sentence using word WORD
Homework In your English composition book, create a Frayer model for the following vocabulary words: 1.analogy 2.analyze 3.articulate 4.assemble 5.assert DUE Tuesday/Wednesday
Vocabulary Quiz You will be quizzed on the definition and use of vocabulary words weekly or bi-weekly Vocabulary quizzes will often be cumulative. FIRST VOCAB QUIZ: THURSDAY 9/8, FRIDAY 9/9