Working with Patient Opinion Helen Wyatt NHS Rotherham
Background Small PCT, small team, limited resources and capacity Need for tools and resources Cost effective, in money and time Good approach to engagement, strong local networks Bought in electronic survey kit
What we’ve done Targeted services Got packs out and clinical and support staff on board Sell, sell, sell…. Offer as a resource – opinions ready when you need them Balance qualitative data (surveys)
Amount of work Not a huge amount of work Mostly when we cannot get information from a service Try to turn posts round quickly Reports go to –Board sub-committee –Clinical governance and audit group –PALS
Critical feedback Very little Strongest not directed at health Need to work carefully with clinicians to move to positive approach
Challenges and successes Making sure that staff use patient opinion Triangulating with comments and complaints Ensuring that some of our providers work with us to respond Tone of responses Awards!
So What? Changes as a result –Staff development –Micro changes –Continence user group –Bank holiday letters/system
Going forward Postings from younger people Handling many posts and reports System to build this into reports Working across areas