South Africa: Its History & People Apartheid
The History of South Africa For more than 1,500 years Native South Africans controlled the country of South Africa For more than 1,500 years Native South Africans controlled the country of South Africa In 1652 Dutch explorers established the colony of Cape Town In 1652 Dutch explorers established the colony of Cape Town Over the course of time, the Dutch settlers began to branch out and become farmers and fought with Native Africans over the fertile farmlands of South Africa. Over the course of time, the Dutch settlers began to branch out and become farmers and fought with Native Africans over the fertile farmlands of South Africa. These Dutch colonizers became known as the Boers These Dutch colonizers became known as the Boers
History continued… During the early 1800’s British colonizers came to set up their own colony, and a conflict began between the Boers (Dutch) and the British. During the early 1800’s British colonizers came to set up their own colony, and a conflict began between the Boers (Dutch) and the British. The British won, but two separate states were formed, one Boer and one British. The British won, but two separate states were formed, one Boer and one British.
The South African War ( ) When diamonds were discovered in large quantities in South Africa, British interest peaked even higher in the region. When diamonds were discovered in large quantities in South Africa, British interest peaked even higher in the region. The British and the Boers engaged in war for winner take all in the area. The British and the Boers engaged in war for winner take all in the area. The Native South Africans sided with the British in hope that if the British were to win they could gain equal rights with the removal of the Boer presence. The Native South Africans sided with the British in hope that if the British were to win they could gain equal rights with the removal of the Boer presence.
“Not going to happen…” When the Native South Africans realized that the British were not going to provide any additional rights to the native citizens, there was only one alternative…conflict. When the Native South Africans realized that the British were not going to provide any additional rights to the native citizens, there was only one alternative…conflict. The Land Act of 1913 marked the beginning of segregation by forcing black Africans to live on reserves and made it illegal for them to work as sharecroppers The Land Act of 1913 marked the beginning of segregation by forcing black Africans to live on reserves and made it illegal for them to work as sharecroppers
Price of Freedom What exactly does freedom mean? Be specific What exactly does freedom mean? Be specific What does the freedom you receive in the United States mean to you? What does the freedom you receive in the United States mean to you? What is it worth to you? What is it worth to you? How far would you go to keep your freedom? How far would you go to keep your freedom?
Apartheid (continued) The Great Depression and WWII caused economic problems for South Africa. This convinced the government to strengthen its policies of racial segregation The Great Depression and WWII caused economic problems for South Africa. This convinced the government to strengthen its policies of racial segregation Apartheid is a system that bases laws on the race of people, otherwise known as the color of their skin. In 1948 the National Party gained power. Apartheid is a system that bases laws on the race of people, otherwise known as the color of their skin. In 1948 the National Party gained power. –Blacks were kicked off their land –Forced to travel with ID cards –Could no longer vote –Forced to live on reservations
Apartheid (continued) Life under apartheid… Life under apartheid… –Life on reservations was undesirable. The land was horrible, which made farming impossible. –Without the ability to farm Native South Africans became dependant on white South Africans. Native South Africans became servants, laborers, and other lower paying positions
The African National Congress In 1912, the African National Congress was formed by a group of black Africans that opposed apartheid in South Africa. In 1912, the African National Congress was formed by a group of black Africans that opposed apartheid in South Africa. This group used the tactics of non-violent protest to persuade the people of South Africa to change their minds towards the system of apartheid. This group used the tactics of non-violent protest to persuade the people of South Africa to change their minds towards the system of apartheid.
Nelson Mandela In the 1950’s a great leader arose from the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela. In the 1950’s a great leader arose from the African National Congress, Nelson Mandela. In 1994, Nelson Mandela would win the presidential election of South Africa and become the first black president of that country. In 1994, Nelson Mandela would win the presidential election of South Africa and become the first black president of that country.