Gained Independence in 1931 Formerly a Dutch colony (Still had a significant Dutch population) __________ majority were ruled by a __________ minority
_____________________ = Dutch South Africans EXTREMELY nationalistic! Came to power in 1948 (Controlled politics and government in S. Africa)
► Complete separation of races Discriminated against Black South Africans Separate facilities for Whites and Blacks Blacks had to carry special ID passes Blacks could not be citizens
AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC) = Black South Africans fighting against apartheid Major leader, ___________________, was arrested! ►Other protesters were imprisoned or murdered!
AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC) = Black South Africans fighting against apartheid White South Africans elect ________________ as new president ►Ended Apartheid! ► February 1990:
South Africa holds its FIRST free election for ALL races! WHO WINS?
QUICK QUIZ 1. Dutch South Africans were called _________
QUICK QUIZ 2. What is Apartheid?
QUICK QUIZ 3. What was the name given to the group of Black South Africans fighting to end apartheid?
QUICK QUIZ 4. Who was the Dutch leader of South Africa who ended apartheid?
QUICK QUIZ 5. Who was the first black president of South Africa?
TREE SHAKER: The Story of Nelson Mandela Which European power took control of South Africa and fought with both Africans and Afrikaners? What is Nelson Mandela’s real name? What does it mean? What legal charges were brought against Mandela and others in the ANC that landed him in prison? Why did the White government end apartheid? What has happened in S. Africa since the end of Mandela’s term as President?