A PARTHEID IN S OUTH A FRICA Ms. Rendek and Mr. Bell
B ELL R INGER With your partners, examine the examples of apartheid laws. Based on what you read... What do you think apartheid was? Who would want to maintain this system? Why? Who would be against this system? Why?
A PARTHEID – W HAT AND W HY ? Based on racial discrimination – Whites of European decent (Afrikaners) wanted power over non-White people (mostly those originally from the region) Apartheid – systematic discrimination and segregation based on race Goal: Keep Whites in power and keep non-whites out of power
A FRICAN N ATIONAL C ONGRESS Democratic political party in South Africa Started in order to advocate for rights of South Africans against Europeans "Forget all the past differences among Africans and unite in one national organization."
P ASS B OOKS Gov’t banned the African National Congress (ANC) and any public meetings All Blacks were required to carry pass books that had personal information in them One could be stopped and required to show their pass book at any time Why would this make many people upset? How might this put Blacks in a dangerous position?
S HARPEVILLE M ASSACRE Response to the pass books requirement – restricted movement to white areas 5,000 and 7,000 people had gathered at Sharpeville police station to protest against the pass laws
S HARPEVILLE M ASSACRE Police say the protestors threw rocks at them – protestors say they remained peaceful Without warning, the police opened fire for two minutes 69 people died and 180 people seriously wounded.
S HARPEVILLE M ASSACRE – V IDEO Q UESTION Considering the conditions in South Africa, was violent civil disobedience necessary?
P OLICE B ECOME M ORE M ILITANT Target activists Coordinate state-sponsored bombings, burglaries, kidnappings, assassinations and propaganda Craig WilliamsonRuth First
“ The time comes in the life of any nation when there remain only two choices – submit or fight. That time has now come to South Africa. We shall not submit and we have no choice but to hit back by all means in our power in defence of our people, our future, and our freedom” - Nelson Mandela
ANC U SES M ILITANT A PPROACH “MK,” or “Spear of the Nation” – armed resistance movement of the ANC Not whole party – certain individuals – why might this be an issue? Targeted civilians, police, and military officials Classified by the US as a terrorist organization How do you think the ANC/MK justified these actions?
E XAMPLES OF THE MK’ S A CTIONS Church Street Bombings
N ELSON M ANDELA Leader of the MK of the ANC Advocated for use of violence to achieve objectives Seen as a threat – arrested in 1962 for conspiracy to overthrow the government Spent 27 years in prison – became a symbol for the freedom movement
F ACTORS THAT L EAD TO THE E ND Sanctions International pressure Cold War tensions ease – can now focus on other domestic issues No need to write!
M ANDELA R ELEASED Negotiations begin between the leader of South Africa and the ANC Agree to host an election Some violent resistance to change occurs 1994 – Mandela is elected the new president (represents the end of apartheid)
V IDEO Q UESTION Why was the release of Nelson Mandela so important to the country?