Insert name of presentation on Master Slide Using data 21 March 2011 Presenter: Mike Davidge
Model for Improvement Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
How do you know you are improving? Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
Measurement is a process Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data C Collect – the right data in a sustainable way A Analyse – the right measures presented in a helpful way R Review – whether your changes are having the desired effect
“Data collection can be easily incorporated into daily roles with commitment from a team and quickly starts to provide a basis for change” Kylie Crook, Acute stroke team, Aneurin Bevan HB A tip from a colleague Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
How many of your data items are integrated into daily work? Use the Data Collection Planner in your pack and discuss in teams how you are doing? Take 15 minutes for this Be prepared to feed back some of your key successes and issues The Collect challenge Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
Analyse – use the tool Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
Have we collected all our data last week? –If not, why not? How are we doing on bundle compliance? –Have our implemented changes made a difference? –Where do we concentrate next? Which bundle elements need more work? –What ideas can we test? –What additional process measures are helpful? Have we made a difference on outcomes? Review – where we make decisions Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
When and where do we meet to discuss our data? What agenda format do we use? What decisions do we make? Discuss in your teams, you have 10 minutes Be prepared to feedback your key successes and issues The Review challenge Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data
How much capacity do we need? Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data Physio time required per week Not met most of time Not met about half the time Met all the time BUT...
“In God we trust, all others bring data.” W Edwards Deming To summarise... Stroke Rehab LS4 – Using data