The Holocaust
Anti-Semitism Hostility towards or prejudice against Jews or Judaism
Anti-Semitism in Germany
“The Jewish Question”
Boycott of Jewish Stores
Book Burnings
Nuremburg Laws Section 1 Marriages between Jews and citizens of German or kindred blood are forbidden. Section 2 extramarital sexual intercourse between Jews and subjects of the state of Germany or related blood is forbidden Section 3 Jews will not be permitted to employ female citizens under the age of 45, of German or kindred blood, as domestic workers. Section 4 Jews are forbidden to display the Reich and national flag or the national colours On the other hand they are permitted to display the Jewish colours.
Krystallnacht – Nov 9 th, 1938 “Night of Broken Glass”
T-4 Euthanasia Program
The Warsaw Ghetto
The “Judenrat”
By 1939, six large concentration camps existed in Poland Auschwitz-Birkenau Chelmno Belzec Majdanec Sobibor Treblinka
1942 – “Wannsee Conference” “The Final Solution”
Adolf Eichmann
Liquidation of the Warsaw Ghetto
1943 – Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Zyklon-B Gas Chambers Auschwitz
Identifying the prisoners Green = professional criminal Pink = homosexual Brown = gypsy Violet = Jehovah’s Witness Black = “a-social” (alcoholic or prostitute)
NAZI leaders Adolf Hitler
NAZI leaders Joseph Goebbels
NAZI leaders Hermann Goring
NAZI leaders Heinrich Himmler
NAZI leaders Rudolf Hoss
NAZI leaders Joseph Mengele
Nuremburg Trials –