By James Ellis
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was born April 20 th In 1933 Hitler became the chancler of Germany. On March , Hitler ordered the German citizens to boycott Jews shops. Hitler introduced the law for restoration of the civil service This law forced Jews out of the civil service. Himmler, Hitler's second second in command Established the first concentration camp Auschwitz. Hitler Believed that Jews were the cause of Germanys loss In WW1. Hitler made his final solution. He would exterminate the entire Jewish race. Hitlers words had power. Shortly after Germany surrendered in WW2 He committed suicide in his private bunker underground.
Anne Frank Her full name was Annelies Marie Frank. She was born June in Frankfurt main Germany. Her family and friends went to hiding on July Anne's favorite subject was social studies. On a school day she received a letter that lead her father Otto frank that all Jews were being targeted. They stayed hiding for some years, Until they were ratted out. The were arrester and were immediately sent to death camps. She was separated from her male family members. Anne and her mother grew farther and farther apart during their time. When Anne was fifteen she died of tuphus. Otto was the only survivor. When he returned his friends that gave the family food at the time of hiding. They handed him a diary. He retyped the diary in hopes of publishing it. It was later published in the United States. Under the name of Anne Frank: The Diary of A Young Girl.
Death Camps It all started when Hitler introduced the law for the restriction of civil service. This law forced Jews out of their civil services. Hienrich Himmler Hitler's second in command established the first death camp on December It was called Auschwitz. Before Jews were placed in ghettos. These death camps were made to hold and kill a lot of Jews. Over six million were either gassed, burned or shot. The Jews that were shot fell into mass graves. auschwitz-i-and-auschwitz-ii-birkenau This is a metal fence ^
Holocaust The holocaust happened between This event was the Killing of Millions of Jews. To Adolf Hitler Jews were the cause of Germanys loss in WW1. Adolf Hitler first made the Jews second class citizens this was the first act of the Holocaust. Hitler ordered all Jews to live in ghettos. Jews were deprived of education. They traveled by foot by what is known as “the Death March”. The Jews were placed in Concentration camps life their was painful. Jews were shot, then fell to their doom in the mass graves. Jews were ordered to dig these mass graves, and after they were finished they would be killed. Jews were gassed with poison in gas chambers. Scientists would sometimes perform tests on Jews The hunger was not a major factor that the Jews had. It was the water, Water was scarce in the concentration camps. Over six million Jews died, but some survived to tell their experiences, and the story of the lost souls.