Warm-Up What are the 2 major political parties in the United States? What makes these 2 political parties different? Explain
8 th Grade 10/08/12 CE.5a Mr. Marchinetti
Agenda: Warm-Up History of Political Functions of Political Parties Which Party are you??? Political Posters
SOL CE.5a The student will demonstrate knowledge of the political process at the local, state, and national levels of government by a) describing the functions of political parties.
Political Parties a Quick History History Opposing political parties in the U.S. first appeared during the debate over the ratifying (approving) the Constitution. Federalists vs. Anti- Federalists Two party domination continues today What are the two Major Political Parties in the United States? VS.
Political Parties in the United States Political parties play a key role in government and provide opportunities for citizens to participate in the political process. VS.
Major Political Parties Democratic Party The now-famous Democratic donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign. His opponents called him a jackass (a donkey), and Jackson decided to use the image of the strong-willed animal on his campaign posters. Republican Party A political cartoonist drew a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled “The Republican Vote.” That's all it took for the elephant to become associated with the Republican Party.
Purpose of Parties Political Parties want to have an impact on public policy. They don’t simply want to win office; they want to win office so that they can affect what decisions are made.
Purpose of Parties Even when they lose office, parties perform a useful role in a democracy, by organizing the opposition and offering alternatives. Parties create important links between the voter, groups, & government.
What roles do Political Parties play in the American Political process? The democratic and republican parties dominate the United States politics. Even though these two groups ideology in how the government and economy should run differ in many ways, the functions of the political parties are very similar. Believe it or not, every politician has one very important job!!! Try and think what that ONE job is…
Functions of Political Parties The Political Parties recruit and nominate political candidates. For example in the Presidential election of 2008 the Democrats nominated Senator Barrack Obama to be their candidate for President. The Republicans nominated Governor Mitt Romney to be their candidate for President for 2012.
Recruiting and Nominating Candidates Just a little while ago the Republican Party was recruiting candidates that they think can run an effective presidential campaign against President Obama. Mitt Romney won and was nominated the Republican candidate to run for President.
Republican Candidates
Functions of Political Parties Political Parties try to educate the electorate (voting people) about the campaign issues (the issues that are impacting our country) What do you think are going to be the key issues in the Presidential election of 2012?
Functions of Political Parties Of course political parties work hard to help their candidate win elections. Political parties will donate money to campaigns for commercials, rallies, billboards, signs, etc.
$$$Running for Political Office is Expensive$$$ Just to give you some ideas of how expensive: In 2008 when President Obama was running for president his campaign spent $740.6 million. The 2008 presidential election was the most expensive election in U.S. history costing over $1.7 Billion!!!! For this upcoming election, it is estimated that the campaign will cost each candidate well over a $$$billion dollars$$$!
Functions of Political Parties Political Parties also monitor the actions of office holders. They monitor their own office holders to make sure they are fulfilling their parties agenda, but will also monitor the other parties office holder to catch them in a slip up or offer opposition.
Create your Own Political Campaign Poster First decide whether it will be Democrat or Republican Poster. Must have the symbol of the Party on the Poster. You must Identify at least One Campaign Issue Explain why the voting public should vote for your party.