1.0INTRODUCTION 1.4Research Objectives 1.3Research Scope 1.2Research Problem 1.1Research Background
Located in Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur 4 major schools: UTM Razak School The Perdana School The Advanced Informatics School (AIS) UTM International Business School Major administrative buildings: Registrar Office Bursary Library Menara Razak MJIIT CICT & Office of Corporate Affairs Currently, there are more than 900 staffs in both academic and non-academic 1.1 RESEARCH BACKGROUND
UTM KL has already taken smart steps such as planning, and implementing physical security technology, including video surveillance cameras, physical access controls, and paging systems to secure the locations and valuable assets. However, the implementations still has several issues and serious vulnerabilities persist which have impacted the organization’s security such as: 1.2 RESEARCH PROBLEM The video surveillance systems are not integrated No effective access control system at the main entrance Parking access and lighting has weaknesses
1.3 RESEARCH SCOPE Scope of this research are focusing on the lobby/ground floor of Menara Razak, the open space parking area, and the main entrance guard of UTM KL.
1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES To identify the issues and security concerns of implementing access control and perimeter protection in UTM KL building and open space areas. To analyse the current situation of the access control and perimeter protection implementation in UTM KL. To observes the current situation of the access control and perimeter protection implementation in UTM KL. To propose solutions or recommendation for physical security protection in UTM KL.
No.Research Questions (RQ)Research Objectives (RO) 1. What are the issues and security concerns of implementing access control and perimeter protection in UTM KL? To identify the issues and security concerns of implementing access control and perimeter protection in UTM KL building and open space areas. 2. What is the current situation of the access control and perimeter protection implementation in UTM KL? To observes the current situation of the access control and perimeter protection implementation in UTM KL. 3. What is the current situation of the access control and perimeter protection implementation in UTM KL? To analyse the current situation of the access control and perimeter protection implementation in UTM KL. 4. How to solve the security issues of physical security implementation in UTM KL? To propose solutions or recommendation for physical security protection in UTM KL. RESEARCH QUESTIONS VS. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
2.0LITERATURE REVIEW 2.2Existing Framework/Technologies 2.1Physical Security Introduction
Physical security is about controlling access to facilities - known as physical asset protection. The physical access control terms refer to the practice of restricting entrance to a property, a building, or a room to authorized persons (Fitzgerald, Turkmen, Foley, & O’Sullivan, 2012). Areas and entry points of the physical facility - need different rules of access, or levels of security. Literature at Auburn University - The main function of access control is to offer a secure environment for students, faculty, staff and guests of the University (“Access Control,” n.d.). 2.1PHYSICAL SECURITY INTRO.
2.2 EXISTING FRAMEWORK / TECHNOLOGIES Distributed geolocations of a large number of buildings/zones. Different risk levels of buildings, which also have different levels of access control requirements. Different roles of the users who have access to buildings such as permanent employees and an outsourcing workers/visitors. Constraints of time for accessing the building/areas. For instance, certain areas can be accessed during the day but they are locked during the night. There are mainly four aspects that have raised complexities of managing physical access control systems (Geepalla et al., 2013):
1.1. Exploratory research on existing online journals (IEEExplore, Google Scholar, etc.) Semi-structured Interview Observations Qualitative Approach Online Survey Forms 3 group of respondents: i.Employee ii.Security Officer iii.Student Quantitative Approach 3.0RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2.2. The sequential exploratory design approach (mixed method research design) has been used:
4.0RESULTS 4.3Open Space Parking Area 4.2Main Entrance Guard of UTM KL 4.1Main Lobby / Ground Floor of Menara Razak 4.4Security Policy 4.5Training and Awareness
4.1 MAIN LOBBY OF MENARA RAZAK Based on the observation that has been done: 1.Fencing - the area is protected by a solid fencing to prevent intruders from entering the facility. It was made from bricks and metal and it is in good condition. 2.Concrete benches – In front of the lobby area. It can prevent the facility from the natural environmental threats (external threats) such as a flood. 3.Lighting – Sufficient lighting at the area. 4.CCTV - CCTV is only covered at the main lobby entrance door but not at the external area of the lobby. The CCTV used is the static camera.
4.1 MAIN LOBBY OF MENARA RAZAK 5.Guard/Reception Counter – There is a guard/reception counter at the lobby to control access to the building. 6.Employee / Student ID – It is not frequently checked and is only checked manually by the guard on duty at the reception counter. Through observation, the guard is not all the time there. 7.Smart Card - There is no smart card access control at the entrance door. Personnel can just enter the main door at the lobby area without having to touch or show the ID card. 8.Door and Windows – Door and windows are properly locked during night to prevent from the intrusion of the unauthorized access.
4.1 MAIN LOBBY OF MENARA RAZAK Through the survey that has been done, employee and student gave their opinion on safety in the facility based on their experiences, observations and views : 1.All respondent says that there is a solid perimeter fencing at the facility (100%). 2.While more than 80% of the respondent agree that the ground floor / main lobby are secured against access to the upper floor. 3.The respondents also reported that the campus grounds were regularly patrolled and checked (100%). These indicate that the employee and student feel safe in the campus area.
4.1 MAIN LOBBY OF MENARA RAZAK Figure 4.1: The Main Reason Why Respondent Feeling Safe – Visible Security Across All The Campuses
4.2 MAIN ENTRANCE GUARD OF UTM KL Based on the observation that has been done: 1.Guard House - located at the entrance gate to provide control over the entrance of vehicle and personnel. The entry and the exit point is well guarded all the time. 2.Vehicle / Visitor Movement - Visitors need to register at the guard house and the registration process requires their identification card / driving license or passport for foreigners to get a visitor pass. The visitor pass will be used for access to the particular protected areas in the facility. 3.Employee / Student Vehicle - The employee and student vehicle will be provided with a car sticker and the vehicles that have the sticker will be given permission to enter the facility and they are physically checked every time in and out.
Information gathered from the survey shows that: 1.Movement of People and Vehicle - 80% of the respondents agree that there are methods taken to control entry and movement of people and vehicles. While, another 20% of the respondent disagree with the methods to control the movement of vehicles because the physical inspection was not done to all vehicles. 2.Surveillance Camera - The main entrance is well equipped with a surveillance camera that is monitored all the time but the surveillance camera is not a motion detection camera instead it is a static camera. Hence, it is not cover to all area in the main entrance and it is not secured enough if there is any invasion occurred. 3.Lighting – there is an adequate perimeter lighting to illuminate main entrance area. 4.2 MAIN ENTRANCE GUARD OF UTM KL
4.Visible Distinction Between Employee/Student/Visitor – 70% of the respondents agree there is a visible distinction between employee / student and the visitors by checking the employee / student ID badge at the main entrance. 5.Identification Badge - The respondents report that the employees display identification badges (70%) and students display identification badges (100%). 4.2 MAIN ENTRANCE GUARD OF UTM KL
Figure 4.2: Methods Taken to Control Access To The Facility (Employee and Student) 4.2 MAIN ENTRANCE GUARD OF UTM KL
Figure 4.3: Visible Distinction Between Employee / Student and The Visitors 4.2 MAIN ENTRANCE GUARD OF UTM KL
4.3 OPEN SPACE PARKING AREA 1.Location Within The Perimeter – located within the protected area and it is for employees, students and visitors of UTM KL. It is located next to Menara Razak and around the Scholar’s Inn building. All respondents (100%) agree that there is no barrier gate at the parking lots entrance. 2.Segregated Parking - Through observation and the survey conducted, it shows that the student parking is not segregated from employee parking as well as visitor parking. 3.Lighting - Almost all respondents (80%) agree that the parking lots are equipped with the standard lamps that provides adequate illumination to cover all areas especially the critical areas. But 20% disagree because of the lighting still have weaknesses. 4.CCTV - There is no video surveillance camera (CCTV) installed at the parking lots.
Figure 4.4: The Inefficient of Security Level At The Parking Area 4.3 OPEN SPACE PARKING AREA
Figure 4.5: Adequate Lighting At The Parking Area 4.3 OPEN SPACE PARKING AREA
Information gathered from the survey shows that: 1.Written Policy- Respondents agree that there is a written policy signed by the ICT Security Officer (ICTSO). 50% of employees agree that the policy is placed on the wall whereas more than 60% students agree of that. The rest of them is disagree because most probably they didn’t aware about the policy on the wall. 2.Communicated In Writing - The security policy is also communicated in writing to all employees and students either through , portal or employee and student handbook. 3.Policy Update – 80% of the respondent says that they are unsure regarding the last update of the policy whether more than 30 days or lesser and another 20% says it is not updated. 4.4 SECURITY POLICY
Figure 4.6: Security Policy Awareness Among Employees and Students 4.4 SECURITY POLICY
Figure 4.7: Security Policy Updates - Employee 4.4 SECURITY POLICY
1.Guard / Security Officer Training - Interview session with the guard, the guard says that they have received a proper site specific training while not all security officer received the proper certified training related in security. This is because it needs a lot of budget allocation. 2.Security Training / Awareness Programs – Through surveys that has been done, there are security training / awareness programs / campaigns organized by the management to all employees and the records are kept to verify security training and also identified employees who need training. 4.5 TRAINING AND AWARENESS
Figure 4.8: Physical security training or awareness program that has been attended by the security officer and employees 4.5 TRAINING AND AWARENESS
Suggestion And Recommendation 5.0 SUGGESTION AND RECOMMENDATION Implementation of CPTED Method Integrated Barrier Access System with Sensors Physical Access Control with Smart Card – Main Entrance Visitor Management System Smartcard Security – Physical Access System (Doors) Access Control For Parking Entrance – Boom Gate Designated / Segregated Parking CCTV and Lighting Enhancement At All Places Certified Physical Security Training Badges and Escorts
Through the assessment of the current access control and perimeter protection implementation in the facility, this research suggested a comprehensive recommendation to resolve the security issues and concerns. Based on the recommendations, we can conclude that in the future, UTM KL can improve the security of perimeter by implementing the use of the integrated smart card physical access system. We believed that a successful academic programme cannot be guaranteed without a safe environment and each employee and student must be assured of an environment that is free from harm and satisfactory for teaching, learning and working.