SEAMEO RECFON for Southeast Asian Education Agenda
Priority Area: 1. Early Childhood Care and Education Strategic approach #4: Development of an enhanced model of health and nutrition package of services in support of ECCE to include children with special needs : Programs: 1.Food and nutrition education from pre-conception to pre-school age through formal and non-formal education 2.Partnership to translate guidelines into practices for optimal diet of women and young children in SEA community (i.e. capacity building for local academic institutions to support program implementers in planning and evaluating local-specific food-based recommendations)
Priority Area: 3. Resilience in the face of emergency Strategic approach #4: Developing and implementing OER based CDRR modules for capacity building Program: Development of module on nutritional assessment and intervention during disasters
Priority Area: 4. Promoting Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Strategic approach #1: Developed competency standards for agriculture and fishery and food safety for all levels (Note: extend strategic goal #1 ) Program: Food safety standards for non-formal food providers in the region