Terms to Define Account Appreciation Asset ATM Available balance Bounced check Balance Check Checking account Clear (check) Debit Card Depreciation Endorse (check) Financial Institution Inflation Interest
Continued Liability Line of Credit Money Order Insufficient Funds Overdraft Payee Phishing Reconcile Returned Item Savings and Loan Statement Transaction Register
Money, Money, Money Larger bills circulate for 8 years $20 circulate for 2 years, $5 for 15 months, $1 for 18 months Measurements 2.61”x 6.14”x ” Fold a bill around 8,000 times for it to tear (by itself) Does not grow on trees LINEN
More Money Way to store, measure, and exchange value Printed by the Department of the Treasury Exchanges many hands One has to spend for another to gain Constant cycle Lending money usually requires a monetary compensation
Even more Money Receiving a loan requires a premium to be paid The present value of money is worth more than the future value of money Money appreciates over time According to The Fed Consumer Price index, $1 in 1900 could buy $20 worth of stuff in 2007
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