Membership Il eane Smith Tom O’Toole Barbara Smith
Agenda 1.Membership Promotion 2.Membership Administration 3.Awards 4.Questions
The Goal is 2% growth of Participating Members
“Maximizing Stakeholder participation to reflect the market” This will add to high quality standards and market buy-in.
Benefits of Membership Promotion Increases technical expertise in a certain area Helps maintain a balance of interests Support development of new activity Increases international participation Introduce new stakeholders to the ASTM process Promote awareness of ASTM’s mission
Determine Focus of Campaign New Work Items Task Group Activity Significant revision to an existing standard Input from Staff Managers and Committee Officers
Audience for Distribution Mailing List Rental List Swaps with Trade Associations Conference Attendees TPT Attendees Meeting Visitors Personal Invitations
Formats for Promotional Material Custom Landing Page Invitation Letter/Flyer Fact Sheet Ecard
Additional Strategies Invite a Colleague Meeting Visitors MoU Partner Ads Student Members One-on-One Engagement
Team Resources Staff Manager Member Promotion Manager Technical Committee Contacts Marketing Department Art Department
Technology The most effective delivery takes place if efforts are in both formats: − Hard copy More convenient for some companies − Electronic Easy and convenient Instant delivery
Membership Administration Application Type New Member Change of Employment Application Format Electronic Hard Copy Rosters Electronic Utilization Balance Voting Interest
Sample New Member Application Notice
Roster Maintenance
View Pending Members
Notification to New Member
Roster Sample Showing Redundant Interest Non-Vote Reason
Pull-down Menu of Membership Report Options
Hard Copy Application
Classification and Voting Status If a Classified Committee – review of company and major product or service provided − Would the member be considered a producer, user, consumer (only on some committees), or a general interest according to the scope of the committee? Review of roster − Is there a member from this same voting interest already on the committee with a vote? − Subsidiaries
Balance of Interest Producer User & General Interest ASTM Classified Technical Committees are balanced. No excess influence by any interest group
Producer Vote Wait Lists Created when the number of potential voting producers is greater than the number of voting user and general interest members combined. Producers are removed from the wait list and given votes when − New user and general interest members are added as voting members − Other producer members resign
Methods: Approving Applications Executive Subcommittee meetings Ballot of Executive Subcommittee Authority granted by Executive Subcommittee to Membership Secretary to approve applications between meetings − Action is subsequently reviewed
Procedures: Approved Applications 1 day to appear on ASTM website If changes to classification and/or voting status − Individual changes Send to Include name, member #, committee Members can update some contact information online − Multiple changes Indicate changes in Excel roster (bold, color) Submit electronically to
WHAT IS ROSTER MAINTENANCE AND WHO HAS ACCESS? Roster maintenance (RM) is a tool for total membership maintenance, including approving applications/assigning class & vote, updating member information, creating reports, and accessing rosters. Access is granted to (a) Membership Secretaries for maintaining the main committee membership, and (b) Subcommittee chairs for maintaining subcommittee membership. These officers receive s regarding roster changes in need of class and vote assignment, along with reminders to inspect rosters and generate reports for meetings. THE TOOLS AVAILABLE IN ROSTER MAINTENANCE Roster by Individual …lists members in alphabetical order by last name, where the name is a link to the actual application. This is the means by which you change classification and vote for new members, for changes in employment, and related maintenance. Producer Wait List …provides non-official voting producers in join-date order who have been assigned to a “wait list” because of balance requirements. The online wait list provides a means to assign official voting status. Tools for Membership Secretaries and Subcommittee Chairmen
Website Tools Membership Orientation Invitation to a Colleague Membership Types & Benefits Renewing via Website
Information Tools for Members
Awards Objective: The objective of the ASTM International Honors and Awards Program is to recognize the dedication and exemplary effort of ASTM International members in regard to the development and promulgation of ASTM International Standards and related information.
Awards There are three levels of Awards − Society Awards − Society Recognized Committee Awards − Technical Committee Awards Society Awards − Award of Merit − W.T. Cavanaugh Memorial Award − ASTM International President’s Leadership Award − Charles B. Dudley Medal Award − Journal of Testing and Evaluation Award − Robert J. Painter Memorial Award − Walter C. Voss Award New: ASTM International Advantage Award The ASTM International Advantage Award, a paper competition, is an opportunity for the users of ASTM International standards worldwide to convey the positive outcomes of applying an ASTM standard or a group of ASTM standards.
Society Awards Society Awards are created by the ASTM International Board of Directors to meet specific recognition needs which have broad applications to the overall Society and therefore cannot be addressed by individual technical committees Society Awards − Award of Merit − W.T. Cavanaugh Memorial Award − ASTM International President’s Leadership Award − Charles B. Dudley Medal Award − Journal of Testing and Evaluation Award − Robert J. Painter Memorial Award − Walter C. Voss Award
Society Recognized Awards Society Recognized Awards are − Awards that are intended to honor long time committee members who have made exceptional contributions to the committee − Awards follow stringent requirements for recognition − Requires Board of Directors Approval − Can have a plaque displayed at ASTM Headquarters Examples of Society Recognized Awards − A01 Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloys Founding Committee Award − D02 Petroleum Products & Lubricants Lowrie B. Sargent, Jr. Award − D08 Roofing & Waterproofing William C. Cullen Award
ASTM Awards Award Supplement Program − The Society recognizes the value of the committee awards programs and lends financial support through a yearly supplement program. The dollar amount of the supplement for each committee is based on the total number of committee members MembersASTM Provides $ MembersASTM Provides $ MembersASTM Provides $ MembersASTM Provides $500 − Award Supplement is an annual benefit that must be used or the funds are lost, they do not accumulate from year to year
ASTM Awards Types of Committee Awards − Plaques − Certificates − Clocks − Acrylic Awards Committee can work with their staff managers to prepare alternative formats for awards
ASTM Awards ASTM Headquarters provides Society Awards to the committees at no cost to the committees ASTM Headquarters will coordinate photographers for all Society and Society Recognized Awards at no cost to the committee Articles will be published in Standardization News covering Society and Society Recognized Awards Press releases will be sent to industry publications
ASTM Awards Awards should be submitted to your staff manager 4-6 weeks prior to the desired presentation date Awards Coordinator will send congratulatory letters to members who receive Society and Society Recognized Awards and request biographical information and a photo for press releases and an SN article
ASTM Awards Conclusion − Awards are a great way to recognize members efforts and we highly encourage their use − Timely submission of awards is appreciated − ASTM provides an Awards supplement, please utilize this benefit − Please return to your committees and encourage the use of Awards
Questions Tom O’Toole Il eane Smith Barbara Smith