The Massachusetts SHRAB: what is it and what has it done for you lately? Rachel Onuf Roving Archivist Commonwealth of Massachusetts Digital Commonwealth Conference 5 April 2016
“The SHRAB” S tate H istorical R ecords A dvisory B oard Every state has one! At least seven appointed members serve three- year terms Represent a broad array of archival institutions
The NHPRC N ational H istorical P ublications and R ecords C ommission Grant arm of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) States need an active SHRAB to “participate fully in the NHPRC grant program”
The mission of the MA SHRAB “…provides leadership, advocacy and guidance to help ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the state's historical resources (public and private).” “…encourages and supports communication and coordination among the historical records communities and the public.”
The work of the MA SHRAB Meet six times a year Apply directly to the NHPRC for funds Administer programs funded by the NHPRC Review grants before they are submitted to the NHPRC – or other funders
Who is on the MA SHRAB? Jack Warner, State Archivist (Coordinator) Veronica Martzahl, State Archives (Deputy Coordinator) Pleun Bouricius, Mass Humanities & Plainfield Historical Society Rob Cox, UMass Amherst Gloria Greis, Needham Historical Society Penni Martorell, Wistariahurst Museum Cliff McCarthy, Springfield History Museum & Pioneer Valley History Network Dan McCormack, Town of Burlington Kaari Tari, Westford Town Clerk Gregor Trinkaus-Randall, Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Tony Vaver, Westborough Public Library
MA SHRAB Programs Grant Writing Workshops Annual forum with Mass Humanities ▫13 June 2016 Roving Archivist Program Regrant Program
Roving Archivist Program = me ▫Strategic Assessment For most, a good place to start You talk, I listen…and look You get a report…and my ongoing assistance ▫Program Review Revise or create policy and procedure You will also get a report or updated documents ▫Processing Assistance Hands-on training in arrangement & description, broadly defined
Ongoing Assistance! Take advantage of me as needed ▫Reapply for another Roving Archivist category ▫Let me review your grant applications SHRAB grants Town CPC ▫I can review and help publicize job postings and volunteer opportunities ▫ me questions about anything, anytime
Regrant program = $$ For archival supplies and equipment ▫Boxes and folders ▫More specialized housing ▫Shelving ▫Dataloggers Up to $1,000 Must be matched 1:1 ▫ Example: for a $1,000 grant, you must provide $1,000 OR $1,000 worth of volunteer hours (worth $27.82 per hour, hours)
Both grant applications 1. Application date 2. Institution name 3. Institution address 4. Name, title and contact information of person completing the application 5. Brief history and description of your organization
Roving Archivist application 6. Description of your staff/volunteer composition 7. Description of the types of collections you manage 8. Extent of collection holdings Preference given to institutions holding 500 record boxes of materials or less 9. Does your facility close for any extended period of time during the year? 10. What are your hours of operation?
Roving Archivist application 11. How did you find out about the Roving Archivist Program? 12. Which category of assistance are you applying for (1, 2 or 3) 13. Have you received a Roving Archivist grant previously? If so, in what category?
Roving Archivist application 14. What benefits do you expect through participation in this program? 15. A letter from your institution’s CEO/Director or Chair of the Board providing a Statement of Commitment to participate in this program and follow through with the recommendations provided.
Regrant application DUNS Number Description and price quotes of goods or services for which funds are requested ▫Be as specific as possible – ex: 50 12x15 Blue-Grey Board Letter Document Cases Description of the use and benefit that the funds will provide ▫example: to rehouse materials from X collection from rusting file cabinet to provide a more stable environment
Regrant application How the institution will meet its funding match A hardcopy, institutional W-9 form with a wet signature is requested at the time of application A letter from your institution’s CEO/Director or Chair of the Board providing a Statement of Commitment to participate
Other “requirements” Institutions who receive funds agree to the use of their name in promotional materials for the program. Upon notification of the grant award, or at the time of the visit of the roving archivist it is suggested that your organization submit press releases to the local media – print, TV, radio, as well as publicizing the visit on your institution’s website, and/or Facebook page. Six months after receipt of your report from the Roving Archivist, SHRAB would welcome a brief one page narrative of what your institution has been able to accomplish with the direction of the RA’s recommendations, along with any challenges you have met, and projected work plan.
Questions? Be in touch!