To create a learning environment where everyone can feel safe and respected to risk being creative in art.
art Second Semester: – Drawings – Paintings – Critiques (reading and writing, yes and writing) – Sculpture/Ceramics hand- building methods – Familiarity with art tools
Overarching Inquiry What are and how do we use the elements of art? line, shape, color, value, form, texture, and space What are and how do we use the principles of design? Contrast, balance, rhythm, emphasis, movement, pattern, and unity.
C = creating P = performing R = responding
Grading Policies 40% Art critiques, Drawings, in class daily sketches and notes 50% ART Projects 10% Portfolio/journal – organized by date or by category, all work present
Grading Policies All work is given class time to complete. Absences: – Students need to make up all work! – They have one day for every day they were absent to get make-up work done in class. – They have one week from the day they come back to school to make up projects before school, after school or during lunch. – Use Ms Brennan’s staff page!Ms Brennan’s staff page!
AssignmentAssignment Rubric
Grading concerns Grades are in Skyward Family Access 24/7, if you need a print out requests can be made before or after school. Percentages mean nothing for Art Class Please contact me with any concerns about your student’s grade,
How You Can Help Your Success Remember to keep up on project work have a space to work in that is focused. Use your agenda to know what work you need to do and plan time to complete it. Have a peer, parent or other teacher look at your work before the due date. Peer and self critique work with a discerning eye for criteria. Talk to me before a pre-arranged absence, including sports commitments. Encourage yourself to do your best!
The things that get in the way of success: Not turning in work – Being confused and not asking for help. – Not being organized or aware of due date – Socializing leading to inefficient use of class time and not coming in to finish projects after school. – Breaking the rules – especially safety issues!
Extra Help Before school – 7:10 to 7:20 am After school from – 2:10 to 2:40 in art room Study club afterschool in library 2:10-3:00 Thursday Art Club 2:10-3:00pm Extra credit 3 rd Thursday art museum
How to Contact Me By By phone: ext In person: – Before School 7:10-7:20 a.m. – After School 2:05-2:40 p.m.
To create a learning environment where everyone can feel safe and respected to risk being creative in art. Learning goals: I will apply critical analysis based upon art elements to an individual art work. I will demonstrate understanding of art class expectations AGENDAS resource, record information, parent letter due with 3 ring binder tomorrow Scavenger hunt ART DETECTIVE
A mark made by a tool on a surface; such as stick in the sand, footprints in the snow are the art element of.stick in the sand, Learning goals: I will apply critical analysis based upon art elements to an individual art work. I will demonstrate understanding of art class expectations AGENDAS resource, record information, parent letter & 3 ring binder/notebook due ART DETECTIVE “HeART”
Be an Art Detective What shapes do you see? Do you see any lines in these artworks? What kinds? What colours did the artist use? What is the biggest thing in this painting? Why do you think the artist makes pictures of hearts?
Jim Dine at the Galerie de Bellefeuille, Westmount (Montreal), Canada, in Retrieved from Wikipedia, Jan. 2011, at Jim Dine Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, on June 16, 1935 Pop Art = he takes a popular thing and uses it in his art A painter and a sculptor Retrieved Jan 2011 from om/jim_dine_biography.html
Blackheart by Jim Dine; lithography; 1983 The Earth by Jim Dine
Four Hearts by Jim Dine; 1969
Artwork by Jim Dine retrieved January 2011 from Google; “Jim Dine Images” Artwork by Jim Dine…
Two Big Black Hearts by Jim Dine (bronze) At the DeCordova Sculpture park Twin Hearts by Jim Dine Sculptures by Jim Dine
Kinds of Lines that Artists Use…. Straight Line Zigzag Line Wavy or Curvy Line Loopy Line Thin Line Thick Line Broken Line
These describe direction (type of line) and how they appear(qualities of line ) Straight Line Zigzag Line Wavy or Curvy Line Loopy Line Thin Line Thick Line Broken Line
These describe direction (type of line) and how they appear(qualities of line ) Diagonal, downward Diagonal, upward Continuous, smooth, straight Dashed, dotted, broken, straight
Oil Pastels
A 2 dimensional or flat area defined by a color, tone or outline is a. Learning goals: I will apply critical analysis based upon art elements to an individual art work. I will demonstrate understanding of art class expectations AGENDAS record information, parent letter & 3 ring binder with name on it in cupboard past due “HeART” 4 square vocabulary
A 2 dimensional or flat area defined by a color, tone or outline is a Shape. Shapes can be organic or geometric Forms are three dimensional objects; organic vs geometric. Learning goals: I will apply critical analysis based upon art elements to an individual art work. I will demonstrate understanding of art class expectations AGENDAS record information, parent letter & 3 ring binder with name on it in cupboard past due “HeART” 4 square vocabulary
What is the difference between a shape and a form? What kinds of shapes and forms are there, or what groups can we put them in? Learning goals: I will understand the basic building blocks or elements of art; line, shape, form, value, color, texture and space. I will demonstrate understanding of art class expectations AGENDAS record information, Parent signed letter and notebook WAY LATE Warmups “HeART” art Use variety of line, shape and color 4 square Vocabulary due Wednesday the 10!
What is an element of art which refers to areas around, between and within a piece of art; the illusion of depth on a flat surface? Learning goals: I will understand the basic building blocks or elements of art; line, shape, form, value, color, texture and space. I will demonstrate understanding of art class expectations. AGENDAS record information, Parent signed letter and notebook WAY WAY LATE Warmups “HeART” art Use variety of line, shape and color 4 square Vocabulary due Wednesday the 10!
Creating “Heart” Work… Start by folding the paper in half. Draw a heart on each half of the paper. Use Oil Pastels to create interesting lines, shapes, colours or patterns to fill your hearts. Make thoughtful choices to create an interesting design.
Peer review based on Criteria Criterion 1 Line: Variety of line types and line qualities used in the finished piece. Criterion 2 Shape: Used interestingly, based off a common symbol like the heart in a creative way Criterion 3 Colours: Use of colors shows choices made for theme, or contrast, or unity. In other words for a clear purpose! Criterion 4 Pattern: Repeating a shape, color or line to create a visual type of movement or rhythm. Criterion 5 Craftsmanship: Respect shown for work, no pencil lines in final, signed work on front, clearly worked to meet requirements.
Clean-Up… 1.Sign your art work. 2.“Heart” work turned in WITH completed art critique and reflection to TURNIN folder. 3.Oil pastels returned to the box 4.Wipe tables off. 5.Hands washed with soap and warm water 6.Paper towel & tester paper in the recycle bin 7.WORK ON 4 Square vocabulary sheets.
4square Line; line type and quality Shape: organic or geometric Form: organic or geometric Value; shades and tints Color: element with hue, intensity and value. warm vs cool some knew primary Space: is the area around, between, above, below or within things, can show depth. Texture: element which refers to a surface feeling Pattern: principle of design where an element is repeated.
Name all the elements of art you can think of… our job is to define each of the elements of art in a standard definition, create a list of student friendly adjectives for each element to compile a class thesaurus; then to select a masterpiece that best exemplifies our element of art; and to identify at least three supporting examples of how this masterpiece shows this element of art, and lastly to engage our audience, the class, with two questions about our element, element in artwork, and/or art concept related to our element
Jigsaw Art Elements one person from each group summarizes information from Element Poster to introduce their topic to the audience. one person shares adjective list one person states which example of art work they think showcases their element the best explaining why. whole group writes a summary giving at least 3 examples from the artwork one person shares 2 art related questions about their artwork/element/concept.
Presentations will start with 24 minutes left of class. Butcher paper, pens, markers, crayons, & oil pastels may be used for Element posters/adjective lists.