Chemistry in Your Hands
Título de la presentación: Chemistry in Your Hands Educador Experto: Erwin Kenny Recabarren Correa Profesor de Biologia y ciencias, especializado en Quimica. Manuel Reyes Espinoza, Profesor de Informatica Educativa, Institución educativa: Netland School Microsoft Innovating School It opened in 2012 and begins with a project to provide an educational and academic excellence to the school community in Antofagasta (Chile) Contenido/materias o área Curricular: Ciencias Edad/nivel educativo y grado o año: Website/blog/otros: Niños de años, llegando a 356 alumnos de 1º - 2° Medios
Chemistry in Your Hands Based on the constructivist model in which the student creates his own learning, The platform Virtual Moodle is used to give students the oopporunity to do activities from their homes, computer labs, or the classroom (tablet) Objectives Develop the capacity to understand chemistry material, using the Virtual Education Platform www. as a learning tool. Have the student develop skills as he guides his own learning, using technological tools like Windows MovieMaker Incorporate the constructivist method into the educational skills of the XXI century. The project is innovative because it allows the student build its own learning and the teacher works as a guide, also the student feels a motivation with the subject because he/she employs technological instruments First stage: Students observe and comprehend tutorial videos as well as responding and interchanging information on educational forum Second stage: Solving selfevaluation worksheets and developing digital tests with a feedback on wrong answers on the website Third stage: Students amek a teamwork where they develop their educational shortvideos and create a video library on the website
Rubrica Tutorial Movie Maker Live
Learning support in collaboration Students interchange ideas on the educational forum according to the tutorial videos topic. Also this learning process allows them to complete self learning worksheets and digital tests as support to the educational process with an immediate feedback on the wrong answers as well as complementary virtual evaluations. To finish the process the students develop their own self-learning tutorials according to study topic with previously defined guidelines and using Movie Maker Live for Windows 7 and 8 as a main resource through their own educational production and by generating a video library on learning platform Moodle ( This way, before the student is in front of a writing evaluation, he/she has built his/her own significant learning with the support of material on the platform. The student has also developed a variety of skills on the 21st century to study Chemistry as a subject. During the investigation, the students have the chance to ask experts in the area.
Development of critical thinking The use of the virtual platform Moodle and the application of tutorial videos, educational forums, self-learning worksheets, digital tests and educational short videos has allowed students to develop the following: Abilities: Reasoning, comprehension, concentration, and planning. Skills: Critical thinking, social intelligence, design of ways of thinking, computing thinking, virtual cooperation. Competence: Ability to work independently, have self confidence, and enjoyment. Capacity of synthesis and analysis. Learn to learn, solving problems as well as team and material handling. The didactical strategies worked on the virtual platform Moodle applies the constructivist method and the 21st century skills. It has allowed to create high quality online courses and virtual learning. The pedagogy implemented is based on the use of ICT, where the virtual communication has a relevant place to build knowledge. The aim is to create an enriching learning experience.