Cut down on the time it takes employees to process invoices using Square 9’s SmartSearch integration with Microsoft Dynamics GP. SmartSearch allows invoice data (such as Vendor ID, Document/Invoice Number, Date, Amount, or line item information) to be extracted using Optical Character Recognition, then stored into the SmartSearch database. When an invoice is ready for approval, a new Payables Batch will be created for the completed document(s) in order to keep everything organized. Dynamics GP integration eliminates manual key entry, saving time by creating a voucher for each document transaction using data stored in SmartSearch.
By electronically filing your company’s documents, not only are you eliminating filing cabinets and paper storage, but you will also improve overall productivity by simplifying content management. By implementing an electronic content management system, your organization will instantly cut down on the time and expenses associated with paper documents. Less time filing papers means more time for employees to allocate their efforts towards other responsibilities, like interfacing with customers. Fewer paper documents means less money spent on paper products, printer maintenance, ink, and toner.
SmartSearch’s integration with Salesforce makes it easier than ever for employees to capture paper documents. As documents are received, they are quickly scanned into SmartSearch directly from Salesforce screens. SmartSearch’s core web scanning capability enables account information for indexing. The scanned document, along with captured info and data, can be previewed for accuracy and then easily filed away, both eliminating paper storage and simplifying retrieval. For users that may not have access to Salesforce, SmartSearch picklists can be synchronized with Salesforce data sets, including account numbers or names. When indexing documents from SmartSearch, live data from Salesforce will be available to help the user streamline the process and eliminate manual key entry.
Electronic storage of company documents makes files easier to find, reduces the need for bulky storage space, and eliminates the chance of losing or misplacing important items. Since software integration can reduce the time employees spend creating, storing, finding, and submitting documents, employees will gain more time for other needs, like customer service or lead generation. Document management solutions also prove helpful when companies need quick access to files, such as during an audit.
Image XChange, the universal integration engine of SmartSearch, allows for the immediate search and retrieval of stored documents from within virtually any line-of- business application. Workflow actions then allow users to instantly edit, approve or reject the files, moving them to the next stage of communication. For authoring processes like contracts, SmartSearch has a built in revision control engine that creates a new version each time a change is detected. This allows users to easily review previous versions to help with decision making and approvals. Work XChange, the document workflow engine of SmartSearch, can deliver proactive automated notifications of upcoming deadlines, so due dates are never missed.
One of the greatest benefits of a strong enterprise content management system is the ability to retrieve documents quickly. With powerful indexing and repository services, like those offered by Square 9, accessing information in your system is a snap. Square 9 gives users access to screen information, such as the account name or ID, which is then passed to an integrated search. From there, SmartSearch will retrieve any applicable documents the user has access to. The documents can then be viewed, printed, ed, or annotated. The program’s integration with Dropbox and DocuSign also provide the capability to share and collaborate with external users.
With integrated document management software, you can put customers first. Square 9’s software allows businesses to: Share Data with the Customer : Document management systems offer the ability to send and receive documents easily, so you can transfer files electronically to customers without worrying about their private information being exposed. Instant Inquiry Response : Without a content management system, it can take time to locate information (we’ve all sifted through cluttered filing cabinets and messy desks). Don’t make customers wait – take advantage of instant document search and retrieval capabilities from Square 9. Scheduling and Workflow : With a document workflow system, employees can easily route information to the appropriate staff through scheduling features. Further increase customer service by creating notifications for review as the document moves through your organization.
Storing old files is perhaps the best reason to use document management solutions. By electronically scanning all content, you’ll have access to years of invoices, files, and other documents. With smart filing, you no longer have to debate which files to keep and which to toss each year. Best of all, your electronic files will be available at the click of a button for business needs, such as annual taxes.
Square 9 provides scanning and document management systems so businesses can realize their dreams of a paperless office. With streamlined workflows and integrated software, Square 9 has helped companies of all sizes get control of their paper intensive processes. For more info, visit or call