Warm-Up Write a brief summary of what you accomplished during Mystery Mixture Day 1 (look back in your notebook). Copy this question onto your yellow sheet and answer in complete sentences.
Learning Target I can explore and investigate the chemical (and physical) properties of nine substances. Goal: Determine which two substances are in the Mystery Mixture through data analysis.
Physical Changes Evidence Includes… Smell Grain size Color Texture Shape State (liquid, gas, solid) Density (boiling and melting)
Chemical Changes/Reactions Evidence Includes… Bubbles & Fizzing Corrosive Flammable/Combustion Color Change Explosion Change in Size New Smell Change in Temp. *Reacts with other substances.
Naming Chemicals Chemical Name: Sodium Chloride Chemical Formula: NaCl Common Name: table salt
Lab Guidelines Review Stay with your group. Stay on task. Quiet voices. Follow instructions. Clean-Up Carefully Your group will have to be dismissed by Mrs. Alegado. Everything has to be cleaned up and you need to be sitting down and quiet to be dismissed back to class. Walk across the hall quietly!
Testing Nine Substances Follow format for gathering data. Try to finish all combinations in class today.