The Cultural Transformation of USDA: Results and Implementation
“Our senior leaders are responsible for leading change and must be committed to achieving a cultural transformation of USDA.” 2
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Cultural Transformation is the process of creating an employee-friendly workplace where employees experience equity of opportunity for success. Employee-friendly refers to the way people are treated (Management and employee response to the Listen and Learn Sessions through Small Acts of Inclusion). Equity of opportunity for success refers to development, advancement, and retention for all employees (Leadership and management response through committed implementation of the Cultural Transformation Strategic Plan). 3 Strategic Process: Over a four-month period, the Task Force created a Strategic Plan for Cultural Transformation.
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Transformational Leadership is the ability to be believable, inspirational, a change agent, develops human potential, a role model and humble. Create an engaging vision that is embraced by others (a leader is Believable). Inspire others to participate in achieving that vision (a leader is Inspirational). Facilitate proactive change in others (a leader is a Change Agent). Treat others in a sensitive, empowered, and inclusive way (Develops Human Potential). Model the change expected in others (a leader is a Role Model). Exhibits a deep sense of humility (a true leader is Humble). 4
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way The SES Leadership Forum and employees satisfaction survey identified 5 key areas for improvement: Leadership, Employee Development, Talent Management, Customer Focus and Community Outreach, and Recruitment and Retention. 5
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Consistent with Secretary’s Vilsack’s vision and priorities: The Culture Transformation Strategic Plan provides guidelines for: Changing the way we do things, Changing what we believe is possible, Changing the way we treat employees and serve customers. 6
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way The Food and Agricultural Council hosted six Employee Listening Sessions : Washington, DC; Davis, CA; Kansas City, MO; Lakewood, CO, Raleigh, NC and Amherst, MA. The Secretary hosted a Tele-Town Hall Meeting. A listening session was convened with the Union Representatives. 7
Leadership Have a proven track record of managing people before they are hired. Have a proven track record of managing people before they are hired. Held accountable for how they treat employees. Held accountable for how they treat employees. Publicize listening sessions outcomes and provide follow-up information to Publicize listening sessions outcomes and provide follow-up information to employees. employees. 8
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way 9 Employee Development Provide employees with training on Cultural Transformation. Promote telework and other innovative work options. Ensure that IDPs are administered at all grade levels. Train employees to better understand the culture of people they serve, such as Native Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans and African- Americans. Provide opportunities for employees at the GS/4-7 level to build skills so they can gain access to career ladder positions.
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Talent Management Provide new employees with immediate access to their computers/accounts. Provide incentive awards for employees, which include on-the-spot awards. 10
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Recruitment and Retention Improve customer service within FSA with technology. Provide employees with same-sex partners the same benefits offered to married couples. Develop targeted recruitment plans for women, minorities and people with disabilities. Offer tuition reimbursement. Create an employee orientation program to train new employees about the history of USDA and the mission of each agency. 11
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Customer Focus and Community Outreach Improve customer service within FSA with technology. Test software before implementing at the field level. Allow the Unions to be collaborators in the problem-solving that results from the listening session process. Develop a solution to learn how to effectively reach customers via and standard mail. Hold county offices and employees accountable, with measurable outcomes to provide customer service to producers. 12
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Virtual University Goal To develop a global USDA training entity focused on preparing current USDA employees and student interns for professional excellence and career advancement to achieve USDA succession planning, diversity and program objectives. 13
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Virtual University Vision Be available to all employees seeking to improve their knowledge base and work skills. Attract and develop high-potential college students to USDA Internship Programs, leading to successful careers. Achieve diversity and inclusion at all programs. Offer leadership development programs of the highest caliber. Utilize state of the art technologies; individualized learning plans; optimum use of electronic, classroom, and on-the-job instruction; and a professional support system to ensure success. Be recognized inside and outside USDA as a model for successful employee and leadership development. Will have a positive impact on USDA employee satisfaction and retention. 14
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Virtual University Academy for Interns and Scholars Student and New Intern Training and Mentoring Programs School of Talent Management Training and development opportunities for all USDA employees College of Leadership and Professional Development Targeted leadership development programs specific to USDA Succession Planning needs 15
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way National Training Why is Cultural Transformation needed/the business case for change? Addressing how management leads the change process. Case studies related to leader guiding their staff through the change process. Messaging and communicating transformation to employees. Implementing within your Mission. 16
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way National Training Phase I Training/July – December Secretary Sub-Cabinet Senior Executives GS/GM 15s, 14s and 13s Training Officers from each Mission session 17
Leading Change Every Day in Every Way Cultural Transformation simply put, is the process from going from our present state to the achievement of an inclusive high performance organization. 18